i wanna go back to school soooooo bad! ughhh. i don't even know where to begin when it comes to that. since i can't find work though... school would be PERFECT for me right now. seriously perfect.
so umm, Coachella was AMAZING. absolutely ridiculously incredible, even better than last year! jhef &i went with jessica &her, um, "friend" michael. camping was fun, even though i'm a total lame ass &didn't stay up partying every night. even if i could have... meh. jhef &i still had a fantastic time, it was extremely stressful at times but i think that it brought us closer together in the end <3 i love him so much for making this trip possible :)
if you're interested you can see pictures at the following links [i'm too lazy to post them all + descriptions here] there are almost 300. other than all the pictures of artwork, the yeah yeah yeahs &throbbing gristle photos are my favorite. they were my favorite performances, too. i wish i could explain the trance i went into while throbbing gristle played... it was like being lost in a k hole, or tripping really hard on dxm. &i was sober. their music does that to me. it's pretty neat. anyway...
if you have a myspace, pictures + descriptions are here :
my photos jessica's photos jhef's photos &if for some reason you can't see those, the links to my photobucket:
here, &
i'm having a hard time catching up on posts since i was behind on them to begin with. tell me how you're doing! tell me something random! i don't even care... just say hi :D i miss you, elljay friends ♥