Oooo, must still watch the new VM ep *avoids the top bit of your post because she's paranoid like that*.
Phdcomics rules. I'm usually the chick sitting in the back, being glad that no-one's asking her why she didn't get anything done. And hey, if you still got to have lunch, you didn't procrastinate enough!
Okay, no spoilers revealed, although the subject line of the post is the best quote of the ep.
I love Phdcomics so much because they're so damn true. There are several that I need to add to my wall art at my desk. It's time to switch up the decorations a bit. I laugh at that comic so much because when the boss sent around the reminder email to the group that I would be presenting, she put it in her signature. This is why I like working for her. I'm lacking in the procrastination skills this year. I've been getting a lot of shit done. I don't know what's up with that. There's still a stack of papers that, I'm not exaggerating, is 4 inches high on my desk that I need to get through (plus a TON more that I need to track down online), but my productivity level since the beginning of the year has been through the roof. I need help!
Nooo, that's a good thing! Actually, I've been quite efficient today: I nailed the paper presentation and then went home and cleaned the kitchen, bedroom ánd bathroom. And now I'm going to spellcheck a paper and cook wholesome food -- well, curry, but still! We're pod-students ;).
Well, you are. I'm back to vegging out after today.
And I am 'obtaining' the new VM right now so I'll watch it tonight. Soo glad the hiatus is finally over.
And well, I did all the cleaning etc, but I didn't finish spellchecking the doompaper, so I guess I shouldn't worry about being a pod-person :p.
There was a lot that annoyed me (the bigger part of the Logan storyline, for example) but 'wheeeee' won in the end, lol! And Piz? Didn't even annoy me. I'm afraid I might be going insane.
Really? It could be fun. And there's a kitty to play with.
I am somewhat avoiding writing a paper of doom that I told my boss I'd have done by tomorrow. Why do I do this to myself?
The Logan thing was annoying (Why wasn't he in jail?), but I was more disturbed by their lack of research in regards to how animal testing is done. And why were they wearing their lab coats outside of lab? That's very much not allowed. I still wanted to beat the hell out of Piz. He's taking away valuable screen time from my beloved Wallace. I'm not okay with that.
I've long since accepted that Mac means no Wallace, and Wallace means no Mac. Sigh. And yeah, I was so looking forward to Logan beating the crap out of Mercer (even though, creep or no, Ryan Devlin is damn pretty). This is true. But hey, I got Mac-shippiness, so the glee still wins :p.
Yay, I've spellchecked 60 pages worth of paper. Only 75 more to go *headdesks*. And you! Write your paper. Pretend you're pod-Chem!
*sob* Why does it have to be like that??? I so wanted to see the beatdown. Or at least some bruises on the knuckles. Just some indication that, once again, Logan was in jail. Mac shippiness is divine, but I love my Wallace.
I see you finished the spellcheck. Doom! Do you want to write my paper? I haven't started it. I did write my weekly progress report, though. Woohoo! I'd rather slash than work on my report. I've got a pretty good one-shot that wants me to finish it so bad. Doom! Stupid responsibilities.
After long consideration, I've decided on a firm 'no'. :p
And ha! I didn't so much finish the spellcheck, since my Word crapped out on me and decided to damage my file irreparably, so I lost 75 pages worth of edits. Life's funny that way. Only NOT.
And hey, choosing slash over paper is a valid life choice. I've been known to do that :p. So go finish it already! *bounce*
Death to Word! Sometimes I hate technology. That's... It's time to beat some heads.
It was a good idea. Instead, I ended up watching Nashville Star and reading two articles. Somehow, that's both productive and procrastination at the same time. Today, there will be much flailing on my part to get both writing things done. At least the paper is only a rough draft for the boss to bloody up.
I don't get to use that icon nearly enough, lol. And yes, death to Word. My laptop was so lucky that I wasn't PMS-ing yesterday, or things might've ended in tragedy.
Ooo, Nashville Star! Whitney Duncan's on it this year, isn't she? I adore her. (Aww man, there goes the high opiion you had of me :p.)
Well, at least the lappy was spared. Even if it should be given a timeout.
Ugh. She's on. I REALLY don't like her. She's so bland. I want Angela Hacker to win. I frakkin' love her voice. Last night's performance gave me chills. I'm waiting for it to go up online so that I can get everyone to vote for her.
That would be a no. But there was a very very very productive meeting with the boss that went twice as long as it was supposed to. Synopsis: You're doing awesome. I want to see you continue at this pace. And you should have a paper ready to submit by the end of March. I'm excited about that.
Lunch. Then writing. Lots and lots of writing. Of the fun kind. I want to make my beta happy :)
Heh, well I got to meet her and Christian Kane a while back (since he's her boyfriend these days, lucky bint) and yes, she's a little Blonde but very sweet, heh ;).
Oooo I love it when the boss is happy! Especially when you didn't actually do anything productive ;). And hey, the end of March is a decent kinda deadline.
You just know everyone. I'm impressed jealous. Watch your back!
Her comments on my weekly report? "Great report, great progress, and great management. Excellent!" There's even a smiley face. Not too shabby considering I really don't think I had much to show as far as work. But this productivity thing is contagious.
Bunny has bitten very hard. We'll see if it comes out to play while I'm in the seminar I'm headed to. I wrote a page and a half during my lunch break. I kinda like this one-shot (well, I do right now, anyway). But Kennedy needs to stop giving me ideas for new stories. This weekend will hopefully be a writing weekend. That's my plan, anyway.
Phdcomics rules. I'm usually the chick sitting in the back, being glad that no-one's asking her why she didn't get anything done. And hey, if you still got to have lunch, you didn't procrastinate enough!
I love Phdcomics so much because they're so damn true. There are several that I need to add to my wall art at my desk. It's time to switch up the decorations a bit. I laugh at that comic so much because when the boss sent around the reminder email to the group that I would be presenting, she put it in her signature. This is why I like working for her. I'm lacking in the procrastination skills this year. I've been getting a lot of shit done. I don't know what's up with that. There's still a stack of papers that, I'm not exaggerating, is 4 inches high on my desk that I need to get through (plus a TON more that I need to track down online), but my productivity level since the beginning of the year has been through the roof. I need help!
Well, you are. I'm back to vegging out after today.
And I am 'obtaining' the new VM right now so I'll watch it tonight. Soo glad the hiatus is finally over.
I am a pod-student. This is strange. It's not like I'm up against a real, solid deadline either.
Me too. Although, thinking about it, there was much that angered me last night. Still, I love the show and am so glad it's back. Woohoo!
And well, I did all the cleaning etc, but I didn't finish spellchecking the doompaper, so I guess I shouldn't worry about being a pod-person :p.
There was a lot that annoyed me (the bigger part of the Logan storyline, for example) but 'wheeeee' won in the end, lol! And Piz? Didn't even annoy me. I'm afraid I might be going insane.
I am somewhat avoiding writing a paper of doom that I told my boss I'd have done by tomorrow. Why do I do this to myself?
The Logan thing was annoying (Why wasn't he in jail?), but I was more disturbed by their lack of research in regards to how animal testing is done. And why were they wearing their lab coats outside of lab? That's very much not allowed. I still wanted to beat the hell out of Piz. He's taking away valuable screen time from my beloved Wallace. I'm not okay with that.
I've long since accepted that Mac means no Wallace, and Wallace means no Mac. Sigh. And yeah, I was so looking forward to Logan beating the crap out of Mercer (even though, creep or no, Ryan Devlin is damn pretty). This is true. But hey, I got Mac-shippiness, so the glee still wins :p.
Yay, I've spellchecked 60 pages worth of paper. Only 75 more to go *headdesks*. And you! Write your paper. Pretend you're pod-Chem!
*sob* Why does it have to be like that??? I so wanted to see the beatdown. Or at least some bruises on the knuckles. Just some indication that, once again, Logan was in jail. Mac shippiness is divine, but I love my Wallace.
I see you finished the spellcheck. Doom! Do you want to write my paper? I haven't started it. I did write my weekly progress report, though. Woohoo! I'd rather slash than work on my report. I've got a pretty good one-shot that wants me to finish it so bad. Doom! Stupid responsibilities.
And ha! I didn't so much finish the spellcheck, since my Word crapped out on me and decided to damage my file irreparably, so I lost 75 pages worth of edits. Life's funny that way. Only NOT.
And hey, choosing slash over paper is a valid life choice. I've been known to do that :p. So go finish it already! *bounce*
Death to Word! Sometimes I hate technology. That's... It's time to beat some heads.
It was a good idea. Instead, I ended up watching Nashville Star and reading two articles. Somehow, that's both productive and procrastination at the same time. Today, there will be much flailing on my part to get both writing things done. At least the paper is only a rough draft for the boss to bloody up.
So much icon love!
Ooo, Nashville Star! Whitney Duncan's on it this year, isn't she? I adore her.
(Aww man, there goes the high opiion you had of me :p.)
Did you get the writing done?
Ugh. She's on. I REALLY don't like her. She's so bland. I want Angela Hacker to win. I frakkin' love her voice. Last night's performance gave me chills. I'm waiting for it to go up online so that I can get everyone to vote for her.
That would be a no. But there was a very very very productive meeting with the boss that went twice as long as it was supposed to. Synopsis: You're doing awesome. I want to see you continue at this pace. And you should have a paper ready to submit by the end of March. I'm excited about that.
Lunch. Then writing. Lots and lots of writing. Of the fun kind. I want to make my beta happy :)
Oooo I love it when the boss is happy! Especially when you didn't actually do anything productive ;). And hey, the end of March is a decent kinda deadline.
Yay! Yay for writing!
Her comments on my weekly report? "Great report, great progress, and great management. Excellent!" There's even a smiley face. Not too shabby considering I really don't think I had much to show as far as work. But this productivity thing is contagious.
Bunny has bitten very hard. We'll see if it comes out to play while I'm in the seminar I'm headed to. I wrote a page and a half during my lunch break. I kinda like this one-shot (well, I do right now, anyway). But Kennedy needs to stop giving me ideas for new stories. This weekend will hopefully be a writing weekend. That's my plan, anyway.
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