Shut up Before I smite you! OH NOES!!

Jul 19, 2009 20:32

[angelique] don't try to fix me ,i'm not broken... says:
like the cell phone number for the direcror of pubic safety
[angelique] don't try to fix me ,i'm not broken... says:
[angelique] don't try to fix me ,i'm not broken... says:
[kaylani] the distance between insanity and genius is measure only by sucess. says:
[angelique] don't try to fix me ,i'm not broken... says:
that's a bad typo
[kaylani] the distance between insanity and genius is measure only by sucess. says:
yes we all know you know the dirrector for pubic safety.  
[angelique] don't try to fix me ,i'm not broken... says:
shut up before I smite you

Ahh. the joys of MSN.  I has been smited, I suppose! *gasp*!


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