more from the blizzard

Mar 31, 2016 02:45

just some telling statements, that really bug me, and why I totally shun pagandom ( Read more... )

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chemalfait March 31 2016, 22:59:29 UTC
"1. Is it so incomprehensible to you that some of the gods give POLITICAL instructions to their followers? That some people have relationships with gods that require that they engage in politics? How can you blithely assume that you are one of the 'us' that puts your Gods first, but that the many polytheists that write at Gods and Radicals aren't engaged in gods-inspired work?"
Christian fundamentalists are engaged in god inspired work as are Islamic extremists. They put their gods first as well. So should we give them a bye as well?
Is it so incomprehensible that some gods don't give their 'followers' political instructions? Do the gods even care about human politics? Or have humans used 'the gods' just to further their own policies/ideologies?

"2. Do you think that the gods can live on a dead planet? Do you think that colonization and imperialism, in exterminating countless cultures and ecosystems, hasn't also annihilated gods? How many gods have been erased along with the people that worshiped them? And what system of colonization and world conquest has been more brutal than the last half millenium of capitalist power?"
Colonization and Imperialism has been around for a lot longer than half a millennium, heh. As far as brutality, hmmm let's see. Assyria, Persia, Babylonia, The Greeks, the Romans, The Mongols, The Huns, oh the list can go on LOL. The idea that all this is really anything new just astounds me. It doesn't say much for the gods either, considering the idea of them being immortal, above humanities frailties, dignities and morals, and fairly all powerful, and having 'agency'.

"To support not only your gods, but the existence of all gods, you have to be against capitalism because capitalism is destroying the world within which the gods live."
yes, but of course, that is the only true way.


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