a refreshing breeze....

Oct 18, 2015 08:49


I remember the author from the old internet days of paganism (compuserv/aol/listserv's and newsgroups)
She's pretty much dead on. no flash, no 'flowery oratory', no 'messianic' messages to lead one into another rendition of pop witchcraft, just the straight dope.
except I do know how to get back to our roots, just go back to them. leave the "schools" and "churches", leave the pop witchcraft, the 'apocalyptic' witchcraft, "ye olde crafte" bs to the masses. Let them have their 'religions' and bless them on their path.
there comes a time when there are too many holes in the dam, and the 'little dutch boy" has to decide to head for higher ground....
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