"that we may play in the rain"

Jun 23, 2015 07:32

so for the last year, in my experiment of putting away 'foreign gods', the results seem to be positive. The garden is doing better than it has in any other year.The native flora and fauna have become more contented, and gift us regularly with their presence and bounty. Rain has been plentiful, and more of localised than regional sources.

In other news, probably against better judgment, I visited patheos pagan portal. The site has become a nightmare of commercialism, taking forever to load, and constant freezing.and so the commercializtion of religion grows. many comments get moderated and screened for content, but of course that isn't censorship, pagans don't do that. heh. Just like a lot of things 'Pagans don't do', but really do, they just use a more pleasing synonym to describe the practices. Gods forbid that pagans are seen as indulging in the same methods as the 'other religions'. They can't seem to think outside of the box. part of that is, I think, the heavy academic influences. Institutional learning is institutional after all lol, and so they still promote narrow views and contexts. And so the whitewashing continues.

my work schedule has regularized after the hectic time of the season opening so I am hoping to get back to some drum making. i also have some ideas for rhombus designs (bullroarers). W has some skins for me, I have to mill some stock for frames and steam them before I can process the skins. I also want to move out from frame to barrel body drums.
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