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May 03, 2015 05:49

well here's another piece of social theory
Though it's a few years old it is the latest thing in which to browbeat people, and built into it are statements to prove the point no matter what a white person might say.
it's like this
" I have a theory that everything is red"
"but that thing over there is orange"
"runs over to the orange thing and paints it red"
"no it's not, it's red"

So no matter what you do or say, one is still stuffed into this stereotype, because any response one makes is covered as proof that the theory is valid.
One can't deny that one is anything like that, because that is seen as 'defensive' and a 'typical' response."it gets painted red"
it is also seen as an attempt to establish 'individuality' and that is also seen as a 'typical' response."it gets painted red"

yanno, some of us white folk have experienced discrimination based on superficial reasons. Some of us white folk have lost friends and loved ones to police brutality, have been on the receiving end of police brutality, with no recourse to justice.
But one can't say that because it's another 'typical' response. "it gets painted red."
because it is "impossible( for white folk) to fully understand the oppression of People of color". That is true, but is full understanding needed, to be able to relate? Is, say, being beaten up for having long hair any less a beating, than for being beaten up because one is black, or gay?

And so everything gets filtered through the lens of social justice theory. which by the way originates in the institutions of the very system folks condemn. And every one of these theories reinforce the systemic divide by furthering the divisiveness, of the traditional view of class and race/ethnicity.It keeps folks divided. it eliminates any kind of shared experiences that can provide a common ground for compassion. All they do is perpetuate interracial and interclass violence, distrust and hate. All they do is provide more labels to separate folks from coming together. And who does that benefit?
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