(no subject)

Apr 17, 2015 03:52

You would become a Witch. Do not expect to become wealthy; only rich. If you would do magic for money, you do it to sustain yourself and your work. You will not live in luxury, perhaps not even in comfort if you are a professional. That is for a rare few who write books for the laity, or for those who have wealthy clients. But again, these are rare, and even so should not be sought after. Expect only that you may help a few who are superstitious and ignorant. The sophisticated, and therefore the rich, are not likely to come to you,unless it be to milk your secrets from you. And would you be so cruel and monstrous as to demand excessive payment from the poor? I know no Witch who would. I expect you will be of this more humane variety as well.
G.P "Anatomy of a Witch"
except they aren't so rare anymore, and are the 'rule' it seems rather than the exception...
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