thought for today

Mar 29, 2015 15:50

the root of compassion is 'suffering with'. This is predicated on the idea that there is a shared similar experience among beings.
if this notion is dismissed, the root of compassion is dismissed as well.
if any individual or group claims that their experience is solely unique to themselves and that no other individual or group can share in that experience, either viscerally, or by an 'intellectual' derivative, they remove the ground of compassion in others.
if any individual denies that experiences can't be shared or similar, or even approximated, based on an association with a specific sociological or culturally defined demographic type, they deny that specific group the ground of compassion.

In other words, if you tell me I can't appreciate or relate to your suffering, struggle , or opression based on a stereotypical image you relate me to, then you won't get compassion or even sympathy from me. basically you can just f__k off.
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