Jan 05, 2007 13:31
Ack, the Joint Gremlins have laid seige. As usual, the Left Knee Gremlin started the party; favoring that one caused the Right Knee Gremlin, the Ankle Gremlins, and the Hip Gremlins to get in on the act. Yuck. The Knee Gremlins are happiest when I sit, the Hip Gremlins are happiest when I don't. My best bet seems to be "sprawled across the couch", but I've got work in an hour, so that's not gonna happen. Blech. So they have now laid seige, and the usually effective combination of two Advil and half a beer didn't really do anything to help. Drat. After work tonight, I should be able to just lay low tomorrow. Thing is, I don't know whatI did to tick the Gremlins off. I haven't been standing any more than usual or carrying anything too heavy, which are the usual culprits...
joint problems,
patella-femoral syndrome