Meme Swipe

Mar 24, 2005 23:28

Swiped without shame from misscam
Put in a comment-
1. Name / LJ alias:
2. How did you find your way to my journal?:
3. Tell me about one of your obsessions/fandoms:
4. Top 3 shag list (fictional characters allowed):
5. Whats your weirdest goal in life? (It doesnt have to be possible or even plausable.. just weird!)

Nicked from hellga

1.What does your LJ nickname mean?
I am a nerd who likes chemistry, ergo, chem_nerd.

2. Elaborate on your icon photo?
My default icon is an erlenmeyer, a test tube, and some kind of chemical reaction, possibly involving phenolpthyaline. My autism icon is basically an autistic pride icon. My frog icon, the only one not made on MS Paint, was swiped with much gratitude from agentrosecotton.

3. Did you lie about your age anywhere on the net?
Nope. I really am 21.

4. How many LJ friends do you have?
Somewhere between 35 and 40.

5. What is your current status?

6. What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, a pirate flamingo t-shirt, and running shoes.

7. What is life to you?
Good friends and a chance to make the world a better place.

8. What is love to you?
Caring the world about someone.

9. What kind of people do you hate most?
People who place too much importance on "normal."

10. What type of people do you like most?
People who accept me for who I am, without judgement.

11. What makes you happy?
The little things, mostly.

12. Are you musically inclined?
No, much as I love music. Incidentally, to anyone who has been forced to listen to me humming in the stacks in the library this week, my profound apologies.

13. What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out that the person you love most didn't exist or was killed?

14. If you could go back in time and change ONE thing, what would you do?
I'm not sure. I'd like to prevent some disaster, but there are so many to choose from...

15. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what will you be?
A cat, or perhaps a tiger.

16. Ever had a near death experience?
Not really. Closest I've come was instructional swim last spring, when I stupidly ignored the signs of an impending asthma attack, and consequently found myself in the middle of twelve feet(about 3.5 meters) of water, not able to breathe. I managed to dog paddle back to the shallow end of the pool, and climb out. The instructor didn't understand why I sat out the rest of class...

17. Name ONE obvious personality quality you have.
I'm rather eccentric.

18. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
Whatever my next-door neighbor's playing at the moment.

19. Are you happy today?

20. Who will cut and paste this first?
Who knows?

meme, pointless survey

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