1. Pick one thing from my interests list that you like, and explain why.
2. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't like, and explain why.
3. Pick one thing from my interests list that surprises you, and explain why.
4. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't understand, and I'll tell you about it.
5. Tell me one thing that's not on my interests list that should be.
40: agatha christie, aragorn, asperger's syndrome, autism, biking, bill nye, calvin and hobbes, carleton, carleton college, cats, cheese, chemistry, chocolate, classical music, dragons, drawing, frisbee, gaelic storm, gaming, garfield, jane austen, knitting, lord of the rings, magic schoolbus, mini-balrogs, missionwork, mrs. murphy, mrs. murphy mysteries, mysteries, ofum, ozy and millie, ppc, reading, russia, russian, shrek, tea, the cat who books, the enchanted forest chronicles, urple.
Full Name: Allison Rose Smith
Nicknames: ummm, Dad calls me Tiger…
Location of birth: Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarious (Year of the Boar)
Height: 5'10''
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Crush Side ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Would you ever go out with the person who sent this to you?: This wasn't sent, and nothing personal, Niki, but…no. :-)
Have a crush on someone? yes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you ever ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No
Ate a whole box of Oreos?: No, that would make me rather ill…
Gotten in a Car Accident: I swerved to avoid an idiot who ran a red light when I had a protected right turn. I slammed on the horn…and the bastard flicked me off…and his wife flicked me off…and the two kids in the backseat flicked me off…the older one used his free hand to hold up the dog's paw, so the dog flicked me off too.
Watched Punky Brewster: no.
Traveled to a place far away: Russia
Seen the Eiffel tower: No.
Thought about what you want to be: yes
Hated yourself: no
Hated a friend: No, if I hated them, they'd hardly be my friends, now would they?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FaVoRiTes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Musicians: Gaelic Storm, Steve Green
Toothpaste: Watermelon Colgate
Stuffed animal: my dinosaur.
Movie(s): Lord of the Rings, Shrek (1 and 2), My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Much Ado About Nothing, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Song right now: She Was the Prize (Gaelic Storm)
Hockey Player: Who?
Basketball team: Either my school team or the Timberwolves
Things I collect: rocks, mugs
Jeans or cords? either
Pencil or pen? Mechaical Pencil
T-shirt or tank top?: T-shirt
Stripes or solids?: Stripes
Chocolate milk or plain?: plain
Spring or fall?: I have to choose?:-)
History or science?: science
Front door or back door?: back
Cat or dog: Cat
Is the glass half empty or half full?: half full
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FrIeNdS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Who's your best guy friend? Nathan
Who's your best girl friend? Cally, Dana
Who do you email the most? Mom
Who is the shyest person you know? my little sister
Are you mad at any of your friends? No.
Are most of your friends guys or girls? Girls.
~~~~~~~~~~~ iN tHe LaSt 24 HoUrS, HAve You... ~~~~~~~~
Cried: No.
Laughed: Yeah
Made someone laugh: Yeah
Bought something: Yeah.
Cut your hair: No.
Been kissed: No.
Said I love you: No
Written a letter: No.
Written on a piece of paper: Yup
Taken a test: Nope
Met someone new: Not really.
Written in a journal: Yup.
Watched your favorite movie: Nope.
Talked to someone you LOVE: No
Had a serious talk: Nope.
Fought with your parents: Nope.
Fought with your friends: Nope.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do YoU... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eat Peanuts?: not really
Remember where you were when OJ Simpson was let free? 6th grade social studies
Remember where you were when you heard Princess Di was killed: Asleep.
Eat with your mouth open: Only if I have a cold
Take walks in the rain: Not on purpose.
What color is your floor in your room: institutional carpet
How did you spend your past summer: At home in Russia
Obsess over celebs: No
What Time Is It?: I plead the 5th…
What SHOULD you be doing?: sleeping.
How are you feeling?: tired
Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Allison Rose Smith
Blow candles out (birthday): Yes
Pets: a cat(Esme) and a cocker spaniel(Snickers)
Tattoos: none
Piercings: ears
Physical Alterations: Haven't we covered this already? :-)
Scars?: a coupple of scraped knees
Hometown: Moscow
Living Arrangements: a dormroom
School and Grade: junior, Carleton College
What are you going to do tonight: Sit here
--------HAVE YOU EVER...?--------
Had the drink Calypso Breeze? No
Have you ever had ginger ale? Yup.
Been in love?: No
Been toilet-papered? Nope.
GLOVES: Frostbite
ROCK: Geology
SEPTUM: Glassware
WET: Blanket
HAY: Horses
PAPER: Thesis
------------- WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE...--------------
Salad Dressing: Blue Cheese or Catalina
Number: 18, h, π
Memory: Graduation
Perfume/Cologne: I am allergic.
Cologne on guys?: Please pas the inhaler…
Ice cream: Cherry Garcia
Are u dating anyone: No
What's his/her name: No
Are u in love with anyone: *looks around for this "u" person*
Do you believe in love at first sight: No
First Job: seling popcorn at Carleton basketball games
Do you Get Along with your Parents: generally
Want kids: eventually…
Who is the last person that you got mail from before this one?: My professor.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Nope
What do you do most often when you are bored? read
Bedtime: Between 1 and 4 am
Humiliating Moment(s): anything involving social skills
Who will for sure respond to this: Whoever wants to.
If there are 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you choose?: Creativity
Do you wish on stars? No
Which finger is your favorite? My right index finger
Could you kill someone? probably not
When did you last cry?: last week
If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? a cat
Do you like your handwriting? It isn't pretty…
What is the #1 priority in your life? Living
Do you have any bad habits? Procrastinating
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? dunno
Are you a daredevil? No way
Have you ever told a secret that you swore you'd never tell? No
Do you pray: yes.
Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? No
Are you passive or agressive? Passive
Who is your idol? Mom, if anyone
Who is your second family? No one
Do you trust others easily? yes
What was your favorite toy as a child? crayons
Do you think your life so far has been good? Yes
Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? Not intentionally, no
Do you like sarcasm? Depends -- if it's totally uncalled for, then no.
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? No
Do you wear a seat belt? Yes
Do you feel understood most of the time? I have no clue.
Do you drink milk? I shouldn't but, yes.
Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? Sore throat, I guess
Have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide? No.
Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer or in separate ones? same
Did you pay money to see Honey I Shrunk The kids? No
Would you rather be hot or cold? cold
Are you a pessimist or optimist? Boundless optimist
Could you be a vegetarian? No
Would you ever bungee jump? No.
Would you rather wear uniforms to school? yes
Have you ever given money to a bum? yes
What are you worried about right now? exams
Do you ever wear overalls? No, I cant find them long enough
Do you think you are strong? not physically
Would you die for a close friend? Possibly.
Do you regret anything? A few things...
Who do you love? the world