
Feb 22, 2004 13:31

I lost my phone last night. Kay-tee--- it's gone... so I can't call ya grrrl. I think (actually... I know) I left it at the hot boys' house. Because I had it to call Paul before we left... or... it might be in your car... dunno =)

I'm just kickin it at work. Kept snoozing my alarm today... so I didn't get a shower. I'm allllll scrubby. Wearin a hoodie and my workout pants. BUT THE SUN IS OUT!! So I'm happy =)

That was a fun night. Egypt: I love youuuuuu. =) Thanks for producing such amazing products.

It is official that I am changing the spelling of my name. Seriously and really... it's going to be Cheltzie. How will this impact the rest of my life? I dunno, but I also don't care. Oh... and... I need a middle name. Kind of thinking I will surprise my daddy for father's day and have it be Marie. Cheltz-Marie is what he has always called me... awwwwwwwww.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm think my mom will make me some guacamole tonight???? God. That sounds so fuckin good. Kay-tee! After work I will come over and get youuu and we will go out to my parent's for dinner and eat guacamole until we can't see straight. K?? Either that or I will try to get ahold of you at work and have you drive out here... because... of course, I have no gas. I never have gas.

K. So... I just remembered that you don't work today. Ummm. I will try a few things to get ahold of you because I reallllllly don't want to drive alll the way over there and then alllllll the way back here.

JESSICA: if you read this, please comment and leave Katie's number... you're the only one that reads my journal that has it (besides her) =)

KAITE: if YOU read this, leave me a comment or send me an email

Hopefully you'll be able to come!!

Man. I'm outtttttttt of it today. Tired as shit....and... hungry =( hehe.

I'm going to start writtin shit down so I can remember funny quotes. I haven't been doing enough of that lately.

OKAY~ back to work
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