Feb 11, 2004 17:30
because I am about to rant~
If you are mormon or if you are sympathetic to their beliefs, you *may* not want to read this.... or if you're up for a good debate, I'm all ears...
I thought I knew a lot about the religion until I watched an episode of Southpark with my family. It. Was. Hilarious. But that's not the point =) They told the story of Joseph Smith on the show.
I was STUNNED. One of the characters asks a mormon how they could possibly believe their religion after knowing that story... SO TRUE. WTF???
I'm gonna do a nice little recap for ya:
Joseph Smith founded the mormon religion. He claims that an angel came down and gave him golden plates. On those golden plates, the book of mormon was written. Now Joseph Smith wasn't allowed to show the plates to anyone, but he needed a scribe so he could get this shit down and spread the word...
Sooo.... he hires this dude to write down everything he says (the dude is also not allowed to see the plates).
The dude takes what he wrote home to his wife and she thought it sounded like a bunch of horseshit. So, she stole it and told him to tell Joseph Smith that if he's a real profit, he should be able to write the same pages over again.
Dude goes back and tells this to Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith says~ Okay, noooo problem, I can recap pretty much what I said to you before, but it MIGHT be a little different because those plates have, uhhhhh, disappeared and I have new plates to read from in their place.
That's where the story ends folks. It basically just proves that the whole thing is *NOT* true.... though based on this story, they all believe it and have molded their lives to fit what Joseph Smith taught.
Can anyone explain the logic behind what they believe? ANYONE?