Isn't it easy to see...I'm falling for you. (Yeah that's right Dave...I like you)

Oct 06, 2005 12:37

Hanging out at school right now in the computer lab with some peeps.
I'm supposed to be doing work...but I'm not.
This has been a crazy week.
Tuesday I worked...Monday and last night have both been crazy homework nights.
Tonight I have to work again and I really don't want too. Oh well...hopefully my schedule won't be too bad for next week.
We'll see what happens.
Everybody's going home for Thanksgiving this weekend, so there's not a whole lot going on.
I'll just be sitting at home...doing nothing!
Next week we get to have a tour of the Masdam - the cruise ship. I'm sooo excited.
There's been a lot going on this week...some good, some not so good.
Guy situation - well we're not really sure what's going on with that whole thing right now...we'll see.
Anyways...gotta go to class.
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