here's my mini friends cuttt.*

Aug 25, 2005 21:02

64: _______dinorawr, _____m0rdez_m0i, _____under, ___hearts___, __prom_song, __smalltowngirl, _bex3myx3escape, _seethisgirl, _shameonme, autumnpossessed, behindblueyes26, beyondxthestars, bosh1624, broken_wishh, cassie_x_lynn, collidedxlips, courtneyjadex3, crushed_x3, fenway, grayhavens, iluroceaneyes, j____laub, jorrrdannx3, ju1cy, kaaill_x, kaywuh, kayxwhy, kelseacraig, kissxmyxlove, laaureen, laur_bearx3, lauren_alyseex3, littlered_dress, lovemecrazy_58, lovexwind, megsz111, mizztaralynn, my_wond3rwallx3, naiveangel4757, naked_peekaboo, neversayn_ever, ohhlalavickyx3, oosara_stineoo, piecesofme46, shefellnl0v3, solongastoria71, sooo_pink, starburst31, suicidegun, summer_x3_lovin, sunshine_jess83, swmnfool_mp31, victoriasecretx, virgin_________, wherloyaltylies, whoreasaurus, words_of_beauty, writtenapologyx, x__jessie, xkristieleighx3, xox_tor, xoxcaressarene, xsarcasticsmile, xxxyinpink

people who are bolded, please delete me off your friends list. Thats all I'm deleting for now, but I think I'm taking more off, so beware<3  Thats only eight people, and the reason, I deleted them, was well because they never commented on my journal, so I never commented on theirs, thats fair. =P haha okay.

*I'm planning on making a offical update here sometime soon, probably not tonight, but def. tomorrow<3 Just cause I'm that cool.
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