Jul 12, 2005 21:06
well I dont really have anything to say, except, Shantae came home from New Jersey today.=D I didn't really get to talk to her... But yeah... thats cool, that shes home. I really want me, Erica, and her, to all hang out tomorrow, just like old times, but who knows if that is going to happen or not! =P I'm really bored, and the one guy from the Express called me today, asking if I wanted to fill in for someone, with their paper route, cause the person was going on vaca. Hmm, I'm not to sure if I'm going to or not, but hey, free money! =P $$$ haha, and we all know CHELSIE LOVES MONEYYY! =D hehe, but what girl doesn't, seriously?
I miss my comments, I have like 2 people that comment anymore, I used to get so many comments. =( EVERYONE HATES ME!!!! =P But yeah, I guess people get busy, and just dont get around to commenting, riight? ;] haha.<3
After all is said and done, I still think you're amazing. I still cherish every moment I spent with you, every smile you brought to my face. I'll be forever thankful that someone like you was brought into my life, even if you had to be taken away to soon. See, you were my miracle. You were the fairytale I got to live.<3* =)