Nov 18, 2010 16:24

Rant. Don't expect anything but a FML here.

I feel like I could rip my hair out right now! I JUST went though having a broken laptop for the weekend and a day or two before. So for like four or five days in itself. The charger unit was completely broken and didn't work. Both of the ones I have. I had to wait for my dad to get home (he's a truck driver, gone all week), and have that dummy think he could try to fix it first. Once he couldn't we went to get a new charger. $80. Luckily its being called a "Christmas" present. Whatever.

End of my troubles? OF COURSE NOT! The new charger? Not working. We just bought it on Sunday and it's now Thursday. I'm a bit of a menace, but it took me a whole year to break two chargers. I'm not that good to break one in a few days. Me and my mom are hoping it's the crappy battery. (I didn't know always charging was a bad thing in the beginnning, so now the laptop doesn't hold a charge for more than 10 minutes.) I'm really hoping the battery just finally died out and it isn't even possible to charge.

Has anyone had battery trouble? Yes, no? Well you can't find those suckers in store. There's so many different kinds that you haver to order them from offline. Yay. -_- So I'm stuck on this main computer that's sooooo different. The keyboard feels so weird, I'm making so many effin' typos on it. I really wanted to update Cody and the Viper, but I'd have to fight my mom for the computer time. She's a Farmville addict. She yells at her crops when they wither on her. Andddd I'm in an icon contest that's deadline is pretty soon. And I had just finished making all 20 icon bases of Melina. Of course, this had to happen AGAIN. At THIS point of time. FML, much?


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