Donald Trump and Our Dangerous Times - Part One

Aug 15, 2017 12:28

People often think that Trump is anti-Semitic or anti-Black.

I don't.

You'd have to have an ideology for that.

If you make him money, you're a good Jew. If you criticize him, you're a dirty one and he will destroy you in any way he can.

If you are a Black person who voted for him, he loves the Black people. If you vote against him, you're ignorant like the rest of the Black people who voted against him, and he will destroy you in any way he can.

Trump has one faith, one Lord, one baptism--and that's Trump. Money is his fuel and he thinks about it more than any self-serving Reverend Ike passed the collection plate.

Some people think that's a good way to be--Ayn Rand would approve of such self-interest.

But just as she was a huge hypocrite regarding her vaunted credos, people also mistake Trump as someone who is confident, a leader.

Someone who is a confident leader doesn't have aides bringing him folders of "good things people said about him" twice a day. That's the sign of someone who is pathologically insecure and has never matured from childhood grandiosity and KKK Daddy's criticisms. For him, this narcissism and self-interest is survival.

I might be sad for him if his insanity didn't damage so many other people. My sympathy is always with the prey, not the predator, no matter how fucked up the predator might be. I work on boundless, endless love that the parents of Heather Heyer showed so effortlessly right after their daughter's murder, but I'm not there yet. I understand the roots of narcissism but I have only so much sympathy to go around.

When Trump can no longer destroy the world, I'll see if I can muster some up for him. Especially if he's wearing a little something that goes with his hair.

ETA: Here's something you can do: The Nazi (Alt-Right) activist is Steve Bannon. He is what passes for policy in the Trump Administration.

Please contact your senators TODAY and ask that they demand Steve Bannon's immediate removal from the White House. This is a current action by the Resistance and the more people who call, the more powerful the movement will be to remove Nazi Steve Bannon from the WH. Even if it doesn't work, media coverage will illuminate the understanding of many Americans who don't understand that Richard Spencer created the term Alt-Right to make the Nazi movement more palatable.

You can easily find the names and phone numbers for your senators here:
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