Sep 28, 2006 12:42
That's right, I'm completely pathetic and lost in love with my Panamanian/Black almost 19 year old boyfriend.
I lovvveeee him.
I fucking need to get to Miami. Soon.
Because ahhh I need him.
I need to call him tonight and listen to his sexy accented voice.
Cuz it's been echoing through my fucking head.
And I need him and his voice cuz I LOVE him and his voice.
And I love teasing him, its so much fucking fun.
And we decided that Aquaman was gay.
omfg when we were on the phone I was explaining to him that my dad keeps a gun behind the bed, and he keeps it unloaded, buut he keeps the bullets in the basement.
Corey says "What the fuck, how does that work? 'Excuse me Mr.Assailant while I go get my bullets. Don't move, I'll be right back. Please don't kill my family.'"
lmfao he's so cute.
I also said "I hate bugs man," and he goes "Well I don't want to kill them, I just want to put them back outside."
I was like "Yeahh I'm not going to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner, but I won't kill them."
Somehow we got into the subject of me kicking in my sleep.
"Are you gonna kick me while I'm sleeping?"
"No, I'm not!"
"Babe do I need to put pillows between us when we sleep?"
"No, I'm not going to kick you baby."
"Yes, do I need to put a barrier between us?"
"Baby that makes no sense...I don't kick in my sleep. But I DO steal blankets."
"Oh no, I need blankets. Am I gonna have to freaking hug you for warmth? Maybe I should glue the blankets to me."
"Babe, that's stupid, then I can't get to you!"
lmfao the conversation basically was lovey dovey like that for the next two hours.