Title: A Bond To Recover (From Ocean to Ocean)
Pairing: Manuel Neuer/Alexis Sánchez
Rating: R - NC-17
Disclaimer: Everything displayed here is fiction
Summary: - Based on the fslashexchange
karneol_vision's art " Like the sky to the sea" -
Manuel Neuer is a merman, Alexis is half merman half human. But the calling of his roots
makes him realize that doesn't matter the spoken language or the color of the eyes and they make a promise to cross from ocean to ocean, so that bond never gets broken.
After Alexis learned about his paternal roots in München, Manuel decides to teach Alexis the merman way of living....
Before reading this part, first you must follow part 1 His partner Arturo left Germany for Italy. Indeed, Bayern was going to play against Juventus for the Champions League.Alexis would not go with him. But his bond was stronger than ever...'I'm with you, no matter the color of your eyes, or the language you speak' the sweet voice says while Alexis stands out there in Barcelona.
Manu is obligated to take human path: travel through plane or bus. He wish to use his merman tail, but that is revealing his hidden identity.
Turin, Piamonte, Italy, September 2011
It was pouring rain out there ... and it was summer!
Neuer was desperate. He didn't want to get into the cold water as their teammates does. He asked for a private cold water tank, so nobody could see his
"Alexis" he calls.
In many miles and hours of distance, the Chilean answered calling his shortname:
He was improving his skills on his own, enjoying the gift of having merman roots. He took his passport and escapes to the city of Turin.
Alone at night, he feels so lonely and cold, despite it's summer. But it's pouring rain. He looks up and the rain increases even more. He knows sooner or
later Manuel would be there.
But then, the rain stops. A tall and well sculptured figure appeared out there. Sánchez runs to hug him tenderly. Soft kisses between them.
"Alexis. Italy is the University College of Mermen Way of Life... you know that?"
"No, why?"
"I'll show you!"
At dawn, he took Alexis in a train to Genova.
Genoa, Italy, 2011
"Genoa is the mermen's Aula Magna. Almost all Atlantic mermen and mermaids has their training over here.
The second school is in Greece, specifically in Santorini. Well, Pacific ones used to have their training camp in Quintay, Chile, but after the extermination of dolphins over there, it got extinguished. Now is on Peruvian coasts."
"Aw, now I understand"
They arrived to the Old Harbor.
"Wow, fish, fish, fish! Man!"
"Get calm, don't worry. It's normal at the beginning."
Trying to make Alexis control his impulses for feeling fish smell; Neuer teaches him another thing:
"Do you know the nickname of Arturo's new team"
"Yes. Sorta. Vecchia Signora. My Italian is not so proper..."
"Hey! How many times I told you! Stop underrating yourself. Is proper of humans... but you mustn't forget that a merman always love himself and the rest
of all, even the ones you hate" Neuer says "underrating is just one step to hate. If you hate yourself, there's no way to look back. Well, let's return... The nickname of Vecchia Signora is because there was a witch over there, which had the same powers as you. The team used to ask her
to stop the rain before matches. They used to say that it was a witch, but before her death, she said that her mother was a mermaid. Many people interpreted that as a metaphor, but that's the whole truth. She prefered to stand as a human... and consider that in those times balls were made of leather, and they became heavier with water.... so, they were right in some sense of the word."
"Oh, dear, huge story!"
"More than a story, is history. Is the only way to keep that bond alive. I'm starving, Alexis"
They went to the market and bought some fish, oysters and crabs.
After that, Alexis and Manu went to Portofino to enjoy the 'gifts of the sea' as Manuel says.
Portofino, Genoa Province, Italy
They arrived to the bay and then, Neuer and Sánchez dives into the water. Half human and their fishtail in whole splendor.
Playing with the final extreme..
"Well, I used to eat it fried, cooked. Fish and chips...Oye, que soy chancho, Manu....¡¡Hueón, es pescao cru'o!!" (Asshole, that's raw fish!)
"Don't worry, it won't happen anything, Alexis. Mermen and mermaid stomach has a special protection which make us dissolve raw fish and seafruits
without getting sick. Humans cannot do that and the few ones they got sick."
"In Chile is forbidden!!!!!" Alexis said. "Well, I'll try"
Manu took another fish and then passes another to Alexis.
"Okay. Let's go this way. First, remove the eyes."
Alexis removes them.
"Fine, fine. Now the tail."
The Chilean reaks the tail.
"Gute. Okay, now break the head."
Neuer had an incredible strength, so it breaks it instantly. About Sánchez, it was difficult, he placed the head in the same place as Manu did, near the
beginning of his tail (human thighs).
"¡Oh, hueá porfiaa!"
"Hey, be careful"
The head was broken and POW! was expelled many meters away and it fell down to the water.
"Okay, open it"
"Like this?"
"Hammer geil, gut gemacht! Rip off the spinal cord, forget the heart, the stomach and other parts... eat!"
Alexis almost puke, but then he used to feel the flavor.
Also, he could open shells and eat oysters, for finally proceeding with crabs, the most difficult part.
Alexis simply copied Manuel's moves. He breaks the feet and ate them like sticks.
Then, he hugs Manuel and invited him to swim on bay's low deep waters.
"I....ehm....how it was, how it was????"
Alexis tried to remember the phrase he heard several times from certain Thuringian player which used to do it like a Southamerican....
"Ich...li...ich liebe dich..."
"Ich dich auch"
They passionately kissed each other, Alexis gets closer to Manuel's wide chest. The raised in Gelsenkirchen only caresses his hair and kisses his forehead.
In mermen, this is signal of blessing and accepting a bond to last forever.
"Remember, Alexis. Love is the strength that makes oceans bathe the Earth, love makes water rise from the rock or the sand, love makes life.
Love is the inception of steam, ice and liquid... is an infinite cycle that makes us, mermen, stand alive; so as human beings.
If there's rain, let the rain pour, if there's snow, let it snow; if the steam comes to you, breath it and feel its purity. Everytime you drink a glass
of water, give thanks. If you release a teardrop, let it be tears of joy and pride, not of sadness and sorrow"
In that time, Manuel was talking with tears in his eyes. Alexis looked at him extatic with the situation. He kissed him once more.
"I know that your intentions comes from your heart, but when love becomes a physical act, is your soul which is connected. If your mind is clear, so as
your heart and soul; so clear as pure and crystaline water, it means you're ready to face such a noble act.
Promise me that despite of distance, we'll be always together, from ocean to ocean."
"I promise...and can you promise me something to me?"
"Tell me, Alexis"
"Promise me that... you will respect me the way
I am as the way I respect and love you; no matter the language you speak, the color of the eyes or complexion; even mermen, human or half blood"
"Is the most noble promise ever heard in my whole life. My heart beats with your words. I promise"
They sealed the pact with a soft kiss and then they dance underwater using their merman tails. Alexis was improving in those skills and even they can jump
and swim deeper and longer distances.
Barcelona, Spain, 2011
Manuel was working with long leather tires. Mermen are skillful with materials such as leather and shells and stones.
He gave a waveform, symbol of wet waves of the sea
and the connection with water, the sacred element for them.
It was time to seal the pact.
Alexis calling was over there calling his name.
Manu was glad with the shape. He was thinking that Sánchez would like it so much and it would last.
Dusk is coming closer and people goes away from the beach. Alexis was only with underwear, but Manuel was completely naked.
Then, something was levitating and frowned. The telepathy between them was stronger than ever. More than the first time, more than in München, Turin and
Coming closer and closer.
"I'm going to miss you"
"Yes, but don't feel sad. Remember, once you made a bond with a merman, it will never be broken. Come over here. The pact over there in Portofino I followed it since the day one. But I promised to respect you since the day you were born. This bracelet means that the pact will be last forever.
The eternity of water, our sacred element." he said tighting the bracelet to Alexis' elbow.
"The eternity of water, our sacred element." Alexis repeats and tights the bracelet to the German.
Then, Alexis dares to touch his thighs. The waves were coming and going exploding under seafoam. It was like music to their ears. The maximum connection
between nature, so as them...
Manuel kisses his upper lip, and the Chilean stands in a sublime and harmonic state. He's ready. His body, heart and soul are clear. It doesn't matter
the height or complexion. Alexis just grabs Manuel's intimacy and slides it like it would be a delicate flower with their petals...
'Make love to me, Alexis...'
'Being with you is a dream come true'
Those words were only spoken inside their minds, while
they kept touching in the middle of the embrace that they decided not to break ever, no matter what happens.
His erection was growing up thanks to Alexis' hand.
He wasn't worried about if his tail would appear while they were doing that journey.
Is just an adventure of proportions, a bond to recover between humans and mermen.
Manuel softly lays him on the wet sand. It doesn't matter the mess. Just two naked bodies loving each other. That's all really matters over there, while
the night is coming close.
Kisses are deeper, tongues are beginning to appear.
Alexis arousal is waking up, so as Manuel's.
He stands astonished with Alexis' selfgiving and it's enough to lick a waterdrop falling from the middle line.
No words spoken, as Alexis wishes. Desire gets equal with love, all since that day he saved his life. Is like an acknowledgement, the ending of a
wonderful journey, is the point of no return that gets complete in total harmony...
Water gets closer. His feet points at the sky, but at the time his bond with earth is Neuer's skin.
...The physical connection is near, feeling thin and strong but warm flesh at the time, is a strong sensation,
is stronger more than anything he lived before...
...But there it is...
The connection has been completed...
As the waveform of water, is the way how Manuel's body moves inside Alexis, but at the time he looks at his eyes. His pace is soft, so as the waves of the sea and he looks with tenderness at Alexis' eyes and kissing.
There's no sound more than their breathing, and the water coming back and forward...
But then, those hearts beats faster, Manuel is panting and moaning at the time. Is so soft, but low, compared to his regular voice tone.
Alexis' heartbeat is faster, he just wants to explode of ecstasy. He just will fall in a point of no return.
But then he looked at his eyes and the message was inside his mind.
'Remember, you are love...'
And from his lungs all the manly strength comes forward and is expelled in a sweet form. Is the way how love gets expressed in the three ways.
Alexis breaks the silence.
The signal is clear...
He is love...
They are making love...
In total harmony, synchronized with Manuel's expressions of joy and pleasure at the time. He doesn't say his name, or any exclamation.
He just spread his love, letting be heard by any human being with the traces of their echoes, getting lost all over the sea, crossing both oceans.
A print of a teardrop is drawing in the sand. But they aren't tears of sadness.
They look at each other's glossy eyes. Panting, laying naked on the wet sand; caresses coming closer, so as kisses.
There's no need to say 'I love you'. Telepathy is stronger between them. Lying naked next to each other while holding hands with their bracelets.
The departure is closer as long as the full moon reflexes all over the sea.
Manuel lays back and lets the current flow to reveal his merman tail.
"A new era is coming, Alexis. Remember my words. Keep the promise. No matter what will happen between us, while respect and love is here on Earth,
humans and mermaids can live in harmony and peace without hiding their identities anymore... and the time is now."
"I know, Manu. I know."
"Thanks for everything. You mean a lot to me. You saved my life... and you saved my real identity..."
"The power of love, the infinity of water..."
Alexis remembered a signal that Arturo made while celebrating goals. He draws a heart as he usually does.
"Ich bin liebe"
"Blessed be you!" Manu said.
Soon his figure draws a waveform with his merman tail until finally fades away.
It's the first time he says goodbye without saying the word.
'Goodbye' is the most sad word for a merman, so as for a human.
And indeed he's drawing the path to make the bond between mermen and humans rebirth once more. But more than that he learned that Alexis was conceived
with love and he is love...
Centuries later and at last, he was the one.
The one who learned the lesson.
After more than 700 years, Alexis Sánchez and Manuel Neuer resurrected the communication between humans and mermaids.
Mermaids will be always thankful with Manuel and Alexis for the act of love they did; they mend many broken hearts, so as mermen.
With it, they write a new history. An agreement was signed between humans and mermen.
"Mermen and humans will respect each other, no matter the spoken language, the color of the eyes, skin, the ocean or the coasts were they come from.
Harmony and love will prevail over the war and hate.
No matter the distance between both oceans, as long as their bond is strong.
Mermaids and mermen will respect each other no matter the shape or the color of their tails.
Water and earth will be in harmony as long as humans respect their planet and have love in their hearts.
The eternity of water, our sacred element."
Also, for the first time, since the D-Day, mermaids
gets reunited in the coasts of Normandy - a place chosen for thousand and thousand years since
the viking invasions - and they make a week festival which humans has the great chance to meet them, eat in the merman-style and swim with them, doesn't
matter if it's with legs or tail.
Is called 'Harmony Festival'. At the 7th day, if they feel desire, they can join freely in the physical sense.
(Note: Mermen in sexual matters doesn't make any distinction.
They're very healthy in that sense. They see nudity as something healthy and closer with nature,
not for nothing mermaids use long hair and cover their breasts.
They don't rotulate sexual conduct as humans usually do [homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual].)
Arturo Vidal posed as a merman for an Italian magazine, specifically for gay public.
What they don't know is that Arturo's merman tail is NOT a prosthetic.
Alexis never saw his father again. And his mother never lost hope of seeing Alexis' biological
father's face.
But she knows that Alexis was made with love and that's all really matters.
Alexis and Manuel's promises is still there... for mermaids and humans, is more than just part of history and a new era.
It's a new legend. A legend which helped to join both worlds again.