Related to 'Bridge Among Two Nations' - Brand New Start for the Schneiders :)

Jul 22, 2011 23:45

We built a bridge among two nations
for never breaking it...
It doesn't matter where do you go
or the new language you will speak

Remember that once you learned something with love...
you will never forget it...
Spread all love you feel, to that new people
which is waiting for you

Now you are more than just a German citizen.
A citizen of the world. A citizen of love...
Remember that once you have bond with someone
you will never tear apart, despite of the huge distance.

I told you in Southafrica I will always there for you...
And I will follow you wherever you go...
And I'll make those words the whole truth..
Schau in meine Augen...
Herzlich wilkommen nach Torino....
Ich liebe dich, Arturo Schneider.


a bridge among two nations, schnidal extended, bilateral love, real people slash, the schneiders, bernd schneider, poetry, schnidal, arturo vidal, tributos

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