Title: Of Unknown Procedence
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jürgen Klinsmann/Joachim Löw; Kevin Kuranyi/Mario Gómez
Characters: Jürgen Klinsmann, Joachim Löw, Mario Gómez,Kevin Kuranyi
Warning: Explicit homosexual content
Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to George Lucas and is property of 20th Century Fox y Lucasfilm Inc.
No copyright violation or profit is intended.
Summary: After losing the Euro, some strange suitcases arrives to the homes of four of the members who took part of the Germany 2006 crew.These suitcases will change their lives forever for better...or for worse.
Cap.1 Cap.2
Cap.4 The first official day of Jürgen as Bayern's trainer was after all with any other day.
But at the second day, things weren't the same. He was just taking the exit to the stadium, when two people dressed in black took him by surprise
into a bag and took him away.
He didn't had the time to react. But the good thing was he had his weapon hidden in his pants pockets.
The same thing with Jogi Löw.
He was going out of a Pressekonferenz with the Mannschaft when the same men stopped him when he was going to ride his car.
Some butt-kicking and pepper gas.
Under the seat he had his weapon and he turned it on.
One of the men wasn't a man. He could distinguish the breasts. The lady was excellent with the weapon.
She was superior to Jogi.He could beat him and at last they accomplished the mission: they put him into the bag and took him away.
The same thing happened with Mario and Kevin after the training with the Mannschaft.
But Mario couldn't even hold his weapon and turn it on.
The same thing with Kevin.
Then the bags were transported to a huge ship.
One of the men was piloting the ship.
There were talking about it:
"At last. The tests are done."
"Yes. We're going to tell them the truth.Why they recieved those suitcases..."
"I'm sure the Force is with them. The problem is in that system the Force didn't evolved like us, but they have it"
"I could sense it in the moment of the tests. One of the young guys used it. And also one from the old ones"
"Old ones? Don't disrespect this people! they're not too old!"
"I'm human...In my system we don't use to see people so young like this... "
"Do they take a medicine or something for keep like this? I don't think so."
The ship arrived not so far from Germany.
They arrived to woods... "in a place called Switzerland" as the lady told him.
The couple arrived to a waterfall and stands there. The lady took two bags and the man other two. They're carrying on the weapons.
They called the Force and soon the rock began to open a huge portal.
Jogi, Klinsi, Kevin and Marito never knew where did they go. But soon they'll know.
The lady and the man removed the bags.
After that, they began to remove their clothes till the point of nudity but they leave the weapons with them.
A light and white space.
Nothing but a white room.
Cold is touching them.
All separated.
Jürgen begins to touch his own skin.He cannot get warm.
But his weapon is at his side.
He wakes up....
"Where am I? Where am I? Where am I?" Jürgen yelled in his language with echo. "Joachim! Joachim! Hey! Joachim!" yelled once again... with
Whining all the time...he didn't know what do.
Meanwhile, Jogi began to yell:
"Where am I...!? I wanna go home! I wanna go home! Please! Get me out of here! Please! Help!" Jogi yelled rolling in the white floor and knocking
it, naked and lonely.
But soon he hears a whining echo. He recognize who is.
While at the other side, Kevin just tries to get warm sitting down and head lying down.
"Mario...Mario? M...M...Mario? Hey...Mario! Mario!"
But Mario woke up with Kevin's yelling. He ran to him...
"Oh, Mario!"
They held tight.They didn't mattered if they were naked.
Just like in the changing room.
"Aw, man! I don't know how I ended up here..."
"Me neither, Kevin."
"Why the clothes were removed?"
"I don't know."
"But we have our weapons" Kevin says showing his own.
"Oh yeah. I wonder if Herr Löw would be here..."
"I don't know"
Far away a couple naked like them were holding tight and smooching.
"Hey man! Isn't that one Herr Löw?"
"Maybe...let's ask them."
"I'm feeling like 'Sweet Harmony' vid."
They keep watching the re-encounter. The person - who wasn't anyone than Klinsmann - kissed the other person's shoulder - who wasn't anyone
than Löw.
"Awww! They're love!"
"Aw yeah! I remember those times in WM 2006. I wonder if ever they saw like that."
"Maybe. One never knows, Kevin"
"Probably we'll never get out of here" Mario said followed by a sigh.
"Let's meet them."
They stand up and hold their weapons, when they found the other couple.
A stubborn bath of sound was heard followed by stubborn echoes.
"Look at you"
"Oh! Look at you, Herr Löw!"
"Look at you, Kuranyi!"
"Nice abs!" Gómez said.
"You're funny!"
"Why we're here?" Klinsmann asks.
Then a voice replied
"Because the Force is with you"
The voice was female, so it was very strange.
Then two figures gets closer and closer.
"My name's Othila Isa" the lady said removing her hood from the suit.
"And mine's Jahar Mannaz" the man said doing the same move.
"You...speak...our language!" Mario exclaimed astonished.
"Yes. You're Mario Gómez."
"Right... and even you know my name...what the hell is going on here? I wanna get out of here! Here's cold. We're all naked.The only one dressed
here are you... give our clothes back! We wanna get dressed now!"
"Patience, Mario Gómez!" Othila exclaimed "Soon you'll have new clothes. But first you're here for a reason."
"We're in the middle of nowhere..." Klinsmann said.
"You're afraid. Be careful with your feelings, Jürgen Klinsmann" Jahar says.
"How tha hell you know my name?" Jürgen exclaims scared
"We were looking for you since your chronological age of 2006. The Force is with you all the time. You have great sense of leadership.
You accept victories and defeats. So as you Joachim Löw" Jahar replied.
Joachim was astonished for naming him without even know something about him and even more... living in a planet of lightyears of distance from
the Earth.
He stands speechless.
"Ahm...it all began when after the Euro final... a cuitcase arrived home. I turned on---"
"Ignited" the woman corrects.
"Ehhh...ok... I've ignited it and them...ZOOM! a beam of light rised...it was violet. Very nice color."
"It's the blade" the woman corrects once again.
"Mario saved my life and also I saved him's" Kevin said. "The same thing happened to us. I was afraid of use it, but after all I kicked asses with it"
Kuranyi finishes.
"You're anxious, Kevin Kuranyi." Jahar says. "We're going to tell the truth about the things happened all this time."
Suddenly, Jahar calls the Force with a slight hand move and the white space now turns black.
"Oh, oh...! Nein, bitte! I wanna come back to white!" Mario says.
"Easy... this is going to be awesome" Kevin answers while head petting "Hey.You're trembling."
"I'm cold, Kevin."
"Calma,Marito, calma." Kevin says hugging Mario.
The place is full of stars.
Then like a movie, it displays the image of a ship.
"Wow! What an awesome ship...!"
"This is our ship, Kevin Kuranyi. The four of you we were looking since the chronological age of 2006. We detected the Force in your system, but
the problem is that you don't have what we have."
"Midichlorians. That's the real reason you don't feel the calling of the Force. The Earth didn't evolved so much as we wish. You use it in another
way and you call it in many ways."
"A gift"
"Psychokinesis" the lady quotes.
The images of the movie "Sommermärchen" were displayed. The matches and all the things they were doing.
"We've been following you from a chronological terrestial time of two years. And we decided that the time has come for us.
Those tournaments are really the sample of bravery and leadership.That's the reason we chose you...
Those stars in your clothes explains all..."
"But why the suitcases...maaaaaaaaaaaan!" Kuranyi exclaims.
"Patience,Kevin Kuranyi!" the man again waves his hand calling the Force.
A man digging in his garden and buring the weapon was shown. "You did wrong. Why you buried your lightsaber? Soon you'll be put to the test."
Then the image of Kuranyi applying pepper gas and Gómez cutting the thieve's hands and dropping away with the collapse was displayed too.
"You've been blocked."
"I couldn't believe the harm that weapon caused. The hand was burned...cauterized...It was horrifying. Kevin was afraid about the damage."
"That weapon you were talking is called a lightsaber."
"WHAT?" Klinsi exclaims echoing everywhere "So...with a lightsaber I chopped off a black wolf's head??"
"Indeed. But sometimes you feel lonely and desperation guides you to nothing."
"Joachim! Joachim!" the image exclaims. It was the image when the wolf appeared and Jürgen claims for him.
"Very funny! Were you shooting me all the time."
"All your moves were registered. Even Joachim Löw ones."
Then the image of Löw hanging from a branch and cutting the beehive was displayed.
"Tell me who the hell was the sender of those suitcases... for returning to the sender and not talking about movie craps anymore.This is going
NUTS!" Bayern's trainer exclaimed.
"You displayed our story without noticing it. Part true, part fictitious."
"BUT IT'S A MOVIE!" Joachim exclaims "Jedis doesn't exist...lightsabers neither"
"And you say we're holding one."
"The lightyears of distance had a serious damage in you. You replicate very well our weapons. But your technology is in lightyears of getting the lightsabers like the ones you hold. That's the reason the suitcases were sent. Because the Earth has an inferior technology for building it."
"God damn! And you consider us inferiors!? It's better to kick you ass before saying one more word..." Klinsmann said trying to beat Jahar.
"No!" Löw stops.
"C'mon, dude! Tell us who's the sender and we'll back to our lives like before EM final." Kuranyi expresses
"First at all" Jahar said "don't call me with such awful code. I'm a Jedi Master. From now and on I'll be your Master. In your language is Meistern.
And she's Jedi Master too. Don't disrespect her."
"Nein,Meistern" Kuranyi says using the new keycode.
"We built these lightsabers especially for you. We were the builders, but she sent it to you, Jürgen Klinsmann... and so as you Joachim Löw.
But she did just the half of the job. I sent the other two to Kevin Kuranyi and Mario Gómez."
Kuranyi facepalms.
So as Mario.
"And why then that wolf's head that made me puke and that beehive that left me with bites and in the hospital...?"
"Those things were tests for proving how is your skill with the lightsaber. If you could understand the real function of it. And I've got to congratulate
Jahar came close to Löw and began to straight and handshaking.
"You're the first one who really used the Force..."
"I just remember that... I tried to jump and...I was lifting up in the air and flying like...whoa"
"You made a Force jump, Joachim Löw.Congratulations. The Force is strong in you. But you'll learn to control it, as with your comrade and the others."
"Well done. Your handling is nothing wrong. But you must learn well how to use it."
"And why a thieve tried to stole my car, so as Kevin's house and bullets were shoot everywhere??"
Jahar called the Force once again.
"You've GOT SKILLZ!"
"You should shut up your mouth!"
"Yeh.Master.Was that awesome?"
"Your handling was a little bit clumsy, so as you, Mario Gómez. But nothing bad after all"
"But I have to congratulate you both" Othila says shaking hands to Gómez while his partner applied good manners with Kevin.
"Why? Us?"
"Yes. You returned your lightsaber to your hands without been instructed."
"I put you to the test and you've approved." the lady replies.
"So, you're able to face the challenges." Jahar says.
Then he comes back to white background.
"But...why we're naked??"
"Soon you'll know."
"But...now we're tired.We need to sleep...how the he---"
"Don't swear, Marito. He's a Jedi Master."
Mario gets calm and says:
"We need to sleep. We're we going to do it.?"
"Easy, Mario Gómez."
The couple took the four of them to the farthest point. Then they applied the Force and at last, the door get opened.
For the relief of them, it was a known place.
"Aw,man! I thought it was another place..."
The Jedi masters guided them to the huge ship. The night was with them, so they were free of going naked.
Some accesories were brought to them and Jahar explains them.
"This is a tent.I suppose you know them."
"And this other thing she's bringing us is a blanket."
"Sleep outside.We'll stay here."
"O.k --- I mean,yes Master" Kuranyi says.
//Damn, Mario.I need clothes//
//I need clothes too...//
//But isn't necessary. We can share our human heat.//
//Do you think,Mario?//
//I think so//
They built-up the tent and put the blakets inside of it.
"Sweet dreams, Kevin."
"Sweet dreams, Mario."
And in the other tent, Jürgen and Joachim were naked.Both caressing, smooching and holding tight.
"So many time we weren't like this."
"Everyday I'm loving you again."
"So as me."
"I felt so alone there.In the middle of nowhere."
"So as I." Klinsmann expressed.
"I wanna make love to you..."
"So many time...but this is not the time yet. For a reason we're naked right now."
"I need my clothes back."
"So as I. But easy,Jogi." Jürgen said while kissing his face and caressing "Hold me tight.Sweet dreams."
"Sweet dreams for you too." Löw purred.
At last they get contact with the external world.
At last they know the senders.
The Force are with them all the time. The Force bonds and penetrates them.
Even in the middle of nowhere...
---tbc. July 14th, 2008---