february made me shiver...

Feb 07, 2006 11:17

Well it’s February. This means its crunch time until bathing suit season and the cruise, and I MUST loose this extra holiday weight. My percentage of body fat has gone up about 10% which is disgusting. Really time to crack down now.

And yup that’s probably the most significant thing in my life right now. Last weekend me we got drunk and went to the Atrium for Jonathon’s 22nd birthday. It was a pretty good time… ARod was wild as always, I saw Anthony Wooldrige which I was pretty excited about. And Jose Torrez who I made out with junior year of high school and still think is so hot.

As for this week, just trying to get back into school. I have very demanding classes this semester so I am struggling to keep up.

Gary came over Thursday night so it was nice to see him. We just hung out for a while, and of course I had to do my homework haha, but that was the most social interaction I’ve had this week haha.

Saturday, I had to open the gym because Angela quit. It sucked being up at 7 a.m. but the day was alright, and I managed to get a good chunk of my psych homework done. And at least Leo was working which is always entertaining. And of course I could use the $$ so its all good.

Sunday night me and Michelle hung out at her house and had a few beers even though we weren’t too into the superbowl, another excuse to drink. Mark and his friend Rob came over for a while it was fun. Monday I went to Morgan’s game with Dev to watch them cheer. Now I am waiting for my history class, and then working at the gym tonight.

Ugh I need another job I’m so poor haha.

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