(no subject)

Oct 22, 2010 13:46

Okay, well work's a bitch.  Every day I promise myself that I won't let the job make me cold.  That I'll always care about the needs of others.  I'm hanging onto that by a thread anymore.  My Weasel of a boss has me working almost everyday and hunts me down to ask if I want to work more days.  I've made a very good friend at work, though.  Her name is Jeunesse.  Everyone calls her Ness.  She's very nice and a hard worker.  She's the other person that Weasel hunts down to ask if she'll work more days.  Apparently Weasel thinks a lot of us.  Bit of a background real fast.

South is insane.  It's the "hall" (it's really 3 halls) that has the people in therapy.  They're the ones that are improving and will be leaving in 6-8 weeks.  They're also the more alert and oriented so they tend to be on their lights a lot.  They're also more demanding.  They nitpick and complain about almost everything, often times to our bosses.  Some days all the STNA's feel uneasy because we'll finish early.  There's only like 2 people up, and they either have family that will help us put them to bed, or they're independent.  The linens have been taken down, the trash is out, the ice has been passed, the snacks have been passed, the books are done, the showers are all done and there are no lights.  Other nights we'll be running way behind because of impatient people on their call lights.  It really annoys me when I'm in the middle of passing ice or snacks and someone 2-3 rooms down from where I'm at will put on their light wondering if I'm ever going to pass ice or snacks.  On nights like that, we're usually late getting out.

The schedule for 2nd shift is 2 people on Speret, either one comes in at 2 and tries to get things done by themselves because Wendy refuses to admit that she can't do her job, and the job of an STNA at the same time, and the other STNA comes in at 4.  Then there are 2 people on North 2-10 and 3 people on South 2-10 and one that comes in at 4.  Some days we're lucky to get everything done even with the 4 people we're supposed to have.

Weasel's AMAZING scheduling skills have me and Ness working South BY OURSELVES one day next week.  Not happening.  If we tell him we need a 4-10, he'll say he's working on it, call a few people to come in, then call some 3rd shifters to come in 2 hours early to help out because no one else will come in.  In the next 2 weeks, we only have 5 days where we are fully staffed.

Then there's the matter of Thursday, the 28th.  Wendy came running after me while I was going to answer a light asking if I had any plans for that day, she needed someone to switch days with someone else.  I told her "No, I don't think I do..." so she said "Great!" and wrote me down for that day.  Now I had thought she'd looked at the main hall schedule too to make sure that I was off that day.  She didn't.  Now I'm scheduled to work South 2-10, and Speret 4-10 the same day.  I have no idea how I'm going to do that.  Now that I think about it... I think that's the day it's just me and Ness on South.

Dear Everyone,

Contrary to popular belief, I cannot do everything.  I am only one person.  I can only be in one place at a time.  I am not a superhero, I cannot show up to save the day all the time.

Then there was the day were were understaffed (go figure) and we had 10 showers.  One guy fucking STALKED me asking when he was going to get his shower.  I wanted so badly to yell "How about never?  Is NEVER good for you?!" but I just said "when I get a minute".  He didn't get is shower.  A few days later, he was not on our shower list.  He STILL followed me asking if I had time to give him a shower.  Yeah, when he asked me that, there were 4 call lights going off.

There's a woman back on Speret that is AT LEAST 6ft tall.  She weighs about 200lbs.  Some IDIOT decided that we could just transfer her, she didn't need the stand up lift.  Hoyers are out of the question for anyone recovering from a broken hip, which she is.  Me and Winnie were trying to transfer her and she buckled.  We managed to catch her and get her in her chair.  Winnie threw out her back (we're speculating she slipped a disk)  and I subluxed my hip.  Subluxation is a partial dislocation, and it hurts like a bitch.  If you ran your hands over my hips, you could feel that the right one was out further than the left.  I still can't walk normally, and it's been 3 days.  It's starting to work it's way back in, and if you run your hands over my hips now, it's not as pronounced as it was 3 days ago.  Winnie is still very stiff and looks even worse than I do when she walks.  It was her back so everything she does naturally hurts.  I just can't find a comfortable position laying down, standing or sitting most of the time and anything that WAS comfortable hurts after a few minutes.

In other news.  I'm a love sick puppy and I hate it.  We kind of flirt, but I don't know if he's just being goofy or if he thinks of it as flirting too.  One day I was waiting on report when I was on South.  I glanced up as he was wheeling someone down the hall (he's one of the therapists) and he nodded a  "Hi".  I don't know if it's just something that we do around here, but if someone's too far away to actually say "Hi" to you just kind of nod your head at them.  I nodded back to him and he went passed behind this huge potted fake plant we have on top of the nurses station.  When he came to the other side he nodded again and I couldn't help but smile stupidly and shake my head.  When he walked back by again I tilted my head, and he tilted his.  He passed behind the plant again and I tipped my head to the other side.  Then I just made faces at him the other few times I saw him.  The next day I was heading down to South when he came out of the therapy room.  He went down the hall far enough that I couldn't see him around the corner.  Then he walked backwards, stopped and kind of glared at me.  I made another face, he smiled and went to wherever he was heading to.

Then the other day I was pushing one of the tray carts down the hall.  It's very noisy.  A woman in a wheelchair was slowly making her way down to the dining room and I ditched the cart to push her.  He moved to stand right against the wall to let us through.  I kicked his butt on the way by.  He said something along the lines of "Whoa!  Hey there!  Oh, there's Deb."  And went back to work.  I didn't want to stop because i didn't want my butt kicked in return (or did I?).

It might have just been wishful thinking on my part, but yesterday when he was walking someone down the hall (he puts a gait belt on them, gives them a walker and holds onto the gait belt and pulls a wheelchair behind them in case they need to sit down.  I ducked into the room we keep our things in to grab a drink.  When I came back out he got the wheelchair he was pulling stuck on another resident's wheelchair.  I moved that resident's chair just a little bit so he could get through then went back to work.  Ness asked if I wanted to get one of the residents up with her and I told her I could do that.  The linen cart was out in the hall and after I located the hoyer I went to grab the things we needed to clean him up.  I could have sworn he was watching me while I was getting things off the linen cart.

Then we had just a moment in passing not too long after that.  I was carrying a bag of personals back to 500 hall after giving a resident a shower.  I just automatically asked "Having fun yet?" out of habit.  I ask just about all my co-workers that whenever we pass by in the hall.  He said "Not really." and kind of turned around a bit.  I went to kick his butt again but my hip just kind of went "Hell no!" so I just said "ouch: and kept going.  Once again, might have been wishful thinking but when he does paperwork he usually leans against the nurses side of the desk or at the very edge of the STNA side that's closest to the nurses side.  I had sat down to give my hip a bit of a rest and do some of the books.  The tray cart came and I got up to pass those.  He started doing some of his paperwork right in front of where I was sitting.  Like I said, probably wishful thinking but he might have wanted to chat a little more.  I don't know.

Yesterday I fully intended to ask Weasel for the paperwork to be changed to full time.  If he's going to make me work full time hours, I'm getting the benefits that go with it.  I also intended to ask that therapist to do something with me.  Not really a "date" (you know, that i would ever day out loud) but to kind of hang out a little.  Guess what happened?  I chickened out!  I told myself that if I had even a second to talk to him, I was going to ask something along the lines of "Have you ever been to the Mansfield Reformatory Haunted Prison Experience thing?  I was thinking about going this Sunday, but I don't really want to go alone.  Would you mind going with me?  The offer comes with the right to laugh at me every time I do something stupid and/or embarrassing."  but yeah... I chickened out.

Jordan should get hired soon :)  Weasel asked me (as he was asking if I could work more days, of course) if I knew anyone that would have applied there, as an STNA.  Someone had written me down as a reference.  I asked if he remembered the name and he said he couldn't, but he had a message that he thought was from her on his machine.  I thought about it for a second before asking "Jordan Hershey?" "Yeah that's it!  Should I hire her?"  "Yes, you should definitely hire her."  I called her the next day and said "You know, my boss asked me the funniest thing yesterday!  He asked me if he should hire you!" "I have an interview on Monday."  She thinks it went well and I'm hoping she gets hired soon.
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