Riley sped home after Chris had called him, after Chris had told him what he was doing with himself. He’d told Riley to get home fast, or he was going to miss it. Riley barely made the turn into the drive and just missed hitting the garage door. He jumped out and hurried inside and up to their bedroom. He pushed the door open and Steve grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him in.
Steve pushed Riley back up against the wall and kissed him deeply, Chris watching from the bed, panting softly and working himself over. “Hurry up.” Chris groaned, shoving his sweaty damp curly hair out of his eyes. Steve quickly helped Riley strip down, crouching down for his shoes while Riley took off his hat and started on his shirt. “No.” Chris said, getting off the bed, “Leave the hat on.” He purred, picking up Riley’s felt fedora and putting it back on top of his head.