Think of what u have now and remember how lucky you r to have it, and never everlet it go

Jul 10, 2004 22:07

Hi There, today has been somewhat of a reflection day....sorta like rememberience of alot of different things that have happend thoughout the past 4 years, allthough most of my memories r not exactly intreging or happy there my memories and thats all i have. I have recently come to the conclusion that the world doesnt want or excpt u when ur nothing, nor does anyone believe in u when ur nothing or a "nobody" yet when u do become "someone" its as if the entie universe revolves around u and everyone wants to hang on to ur every word and in that single instant u realize all u have is youself, nonone but u.....and u stop and think wow all my life i have wanted to be somone that person everyone likes and wants to be like...and u begen to realize how false and misleading life is. I mean it happens in a second but its something that can change you forever. I havent exactly become "someone" but i think i have gotten close to sorta understanding the feeling at least enough to write about it i guess. So basically what im trying to say is that if u really do believe in yourself and love yourself as u and u as a unique person all u will have to fear is fear itself, and so when u do become someone u wolnt feel like u did it for everyone else...u will know it was for u and only u. I really think we r all put here for a reason the way u choose to live your life is up to u.


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