Aug 05, 2006 16:28
I'm actaully in the car right now on my way home from Flordia with the Berrys.
We are passing through Kentucky right now and its around 4:30pm i'm pretty
sure we are going to be staying at a hotel tonight just because they dont want
to drive the whole way home in one day. I'd love to go all in one day and be home
tonight but it is real uncomfortable to be in a car for around 19 hours straight.
i think we've listened to the coldplay cd about 4 times now, but i'm okay with it.
anyways, vacation was a lot of fun and there are so many stories,
but it would take way too long to tell them in a entry.
Lena is asleep in this little ball...its ridiculous.
I cant sleep at the moment I already slept a total of 4 hours in the car
and my whole body fell asleep(not the best feeling to have waking up)
I miss my mom,sisters,ramona and even mattie.
Plus, of course my friends.
It sucks that we start school in like 4 weeks
this summer was too short,but hey i'm going to be a junior.
That reminds me i have to go take my drviers test soon
I can then drive and not be paranoid.
Well, I think I might try and sleep a little
so if you'd like to hang when I get home let me know.
I'd love to hangout with as many people as possible before
school starts.
Miss you all...I'll be home tomorrow sometime.