
Mar 26, 2009 18:07

So I took a look at my grades via blackboard today, and apparently I am missing a whole bunch of assignments that I swear I turned in. I really need to do well in this class, so this troubles me greatly. I mean, wtf mate?

I guess I'll talk to Mrs. Johnson tonight. Hopefully she'll be there, I need to discuss this project I have due next week.

In other news: did you know that if you go to Carrows around 10pm you run the risk of being sung to by drunken Irishmen? This happened to Lance, Lane and me the other night. We were getting up to leave and this adorable little old Irish man started belting out some random song, I don't even remember what it was. The whole time all I was thinking was This doesn't happen in real life. I must be in a movie. It was pretty stellar.

I'm going to visit the boyfriend next Friday, and I'm staying with him in LA all through spring break. It should be exciting. He promised to take me to Disneyland for my [very late] birthday present, and we're going to two more Gin Blossoms concerts. We're also going out with his group of friends to a Moroccan restaurant called Babooch, so I'm very excited about that too.

Does anyone know what Moroccan people eat? I hope it isn't anything like pigs feet and cow intestine. I don't think I could make it through that meal.

grades, school, friends

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