Feb 08, 2005 00:08
Too much on my mind, can't sleep.
Well I'm so glad I'm at U of M-D. I've met some awesome people there. Like Crystle and Melissa, it is nice to meet people and hit it off right away. They are very sweet girls and a lot of fun to hang out with. Also now I'm working out twice a week. It's time for me to get in shape! When I played volleyball and was on pom I was in pretty good shape and now I'm...not. LOL I have to learn how to use the machines, I had a little trouble the first time. He he, but now I'm doing good on my own.
Joey had a dentist appt. today and found out his insurance isn't going cover his root canal. Oh Boy! He has such bad luck with his job and everything. I feel bad because I talk to him and I listen to him as much as I can. But it doesn't seem to help. Why can't things just turn around for him?
I can't wait til Hitch comes out, it looks so good!
Well Good Night for the 2nd time!