Wow, I really let this go! I feel so bad about that. :( *slaps hands* I just got so busy with everything for a moment and then I got into
The Fanlistings and let my paid account expire and wow I can't believe I let myself do that. :( Although, over my long break I've gotten into more fandoms, which is sad! I keep getting into more and more fandoms. I just started watching Gilmore Girls and it is one of my new addictions. I love it and he's not bad on the eyes. :D
I only have two icons out of my 100 so I really need to start adding new icons in. I'll probably end up making some more.
If you like fanlistings you should go join some of mine which you can find
here. I got approved for James Marsters the other day! James = Yum.
Since I haven't posted in so long I decided to make a new layout. Logan/Veronica of course.
Anyways, since I haven't posted in so long I'll share a Evangeline Lilly wallpaper I made:
Click for full size :D