Jan 3
Today was one of the most productive days of my life. It all started when I woke up before 10 am, as per my resolution. Allison and I went to the co rec for the first workout of '08 and then cleaned for like 7 hours.. much needed (both). I have a lot of work to do before the mini. It feels nice to have a clean place for the beginning of the semster, and keeping busy helped me get my mind off missing Reed. The only downside of today was that I watched Gothika, and I got so scared that I had to sleep in apartment two.
Jan 4
Yesterday, Allison and I decided that we'd go grocery shopping once a week so we'd always have fresh veggies. I thought I knew where Payless was, but apparantly I didn't and we drove around for about an hour till we called for directions. Turns out it's like 3 minutes away.. oops
Jan 5
I rode the Amtrak Cardinal home from school for a docs appointment.. reminded me of my 30-hour rides on the Empire Builder this summer (yeesh). When I got home I glanced at a newspaper and saw that Obama won Iowa- sweet, I like him. But then a shiver went down my spine as a read this sentence: "Mike Huckabee rode a wave of support from evangelical Christians to victory in the Republican caucuses." AAAAH!
Jan 6
I received some cigarette propaganda in the mail today. It's like they can feel me slipping from their grasp and think they can pull me back in with some coupons. Not this time, Camel. In other news, I will be very busy this month applying to internships, not to mention that class starts tomorrow. There's an investment banking internship with the Swiss Finance Academy that sounds really awesome, but more research is needed. So much to do, so little will-power!