I think My BFFAWB desirves her own entry

Jun 03, 2005 21:08

Jenny-You made me cry when you sent me that
thing to me today on aim! :-D lol
I <3 you more then anyone in this wold...
:-) + the reason i hangout with you
(well there's many resons but...)
Your personality shows through the most!
the way you can always make me feel better
and always turn a bad situation upside down,
and always tell me i'm beautiful when i think
i'm ugly & sticking up for me when
i thought no one cared! <3 I love you with
all of my heart <3
& noone could ever take your place
because we've had so much fun
together so many unforgetable moments,
soo many hard times,
& so many secerets shared (because
if i didnt want to be
your friend i'd be scared you'd tell one
of my secerets!)
;-) just playin i wouldnt ever think of
not being your
friend let alone not being your BFFAAWB!

<3 always
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