freezing half to death, loosing my permission forms 3 times, singing at the top of our lungs all the time, espn zone with paigey waigey, beating micah in the racecar things, hand clap games, that is so kanyes house!, anna: is that what american girls do? us:no, definitley not., Carrie and Micah and what you learn when you get married, CALEB!!!!, my awesome coat, taking braceless pics with Hales, me, Kate and Hales=roomates! yay!, getting in trouble in the hall by the woman with a baby, taking crazy pics, the german baptist brotherin, omg they need to turn this crap music off!, flicking rubberbands, Roosevelt stealing from the lil kids, getting our totally creative gift, the cheetah man on tv, card games with darrell, northpoint church, stinky breathe, singing micheal jackson with nini and nsync with my girls, playing guessing games with mal, and so much more.
Operation Christmas Child=So Much Fun!