- 10 years ago (1995): I began my seven-year trajectory through Lab School. Seven years --ack, seven years -- were spent at that place. The things I remember most about sixth grade were finally going into MANHATTAN (ooh) for school (though my parents wouldn't let me ride the subway alone), realizing that junior high school girls can be hella cruel, and my first JHS friend (we lost touch, but I learned on facebook that she just graduated from Harvard -- bitch!)
- 5 years ago (2000): I began my senior year of high school at Lab. The best year of high school for me by far. I remember being far too upset that my all-consuming HS crush had moved away, suffering through AP Lit with the most pretentious asshole I hope to encounter in the academic world (though I read some amazing books), getting into U of M, discovering T.S. Eliot, and graduating (marking the culmnination of my love-hate relationship with that school -- but the hate part tends to be crowded out upon nostalgic reflection).
- 1 year ago: I was studying in Hanoi. Undoubtedly the best experience of my life.
- Tomorrow: Trolling around D.C. looking for apartments before heading home to NYC on the 11:00 PM, $20 bus.
- 5 snacks I enjoy: Granola and yogurt, butter-flavored mini
rice cakes, Goldfish pretzels, chocolate Teddy Grahams, and frozen tapioca pudding (tastes like
ice cream -- kind of).
- 5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: Billy Joel, Beatles, songs from "Les Miserables," Eminem, and -- I think that's it.
- 5 things I would do with a $100,000,000: Give my parents whatever they needed/wanted to retire and live in extensive comfort, donate to the Democrats and other worthwhile (we hope) causes, travel the world, buy a house on the Ile Saint Louis in Paris (and, yeah, one in the Hamptons), and run for Congress because I'm rich (that seems to be a big qualification, let's be honest)
- 5 locations i would like to run away to: the Great Rift Valley, Capri in Italy, Paris, a mountain town in the Alps, or New Zealand.
-5 bad habits i have: nail-biting, worrying, second-guessing myself, procrastinating, eating too much sugar
- 5 things I like doing: traveling, writing, reading, taking long walks, and Bush-bashing (never gets old! Well, almost never).
- 5 things I will never wear:
high heels (sheesh, I'm already 5'10"),
tube tops (at least not without a jacket over), leather, fur, and bright red lipstick (makes me look like a clown).
- 5 T.V. shows I like: Real Time with Bill Maher, The West Wing, Sex and the City, Friends, and Da Ali G Show (funniest thing EVER; if you haven't seen it, DO).
- 5 people I'd like to meet: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton (I met her once but once was just not enough!), Bill Maher, John Edwards, and my grandmother on my dad's side.
- 5 biggest joys at the moment: I'm really happy about getting a job. Also, friends, family, good health, and (I hope) the possibility for good opportunities down the line.
- 5 favorite toys: laptop, iPod,
digital camera . . . I think that's about it.