Jan 06, 2005 19:50
So the first week of school is pretty good with only one day left. My most interesting class by far is "sexuality, marriage and alternatives." its going to be crazy we start off by discussing the g-spot! i could feel myself turning bright red on the first day and im going to be a mess when we have to present. our first presentation is next week and we have to find something on the internet that we are curious about sexually and print it out and present it...wtf....wtf....i'll keep yall posted
tomorrow is going to be awesome because some of us are riding out to melrose for a party at Roberto's and im super excited.
yesterday me ashaley and cale grabbed some pizza hut on her 500000hr break...it was good catching up.
new years resolution: get hot....so far so good-been going to the gym regularly and eating a lot better(minus the pizza). lol we'll see how it goes...im going to kick the freshman 15's ass!