May 17, 2006 09:33
Hey hey! So I haven't updated in like over a month lol. It's about time. So I've been kind of busy lately. I got kicked out of my house for quite a while, but now I'm living back there. I'm kind of undecided on whether thats good or not. Cause though I am trying to change and make things better at home, my mom doesn't think so. But thats how it's always been with her. Nothing is ever good enough. I still don't have the car all the time. I can drive it to school and back, which almost seems pointless..and a waste of money. I'm trying to get a job right now...ugh. I applied at Chili's and they're hireing a new host. It has to be a girl, and only one other girl put in an app. and shes 16, and has no job experience. So hopefully I have a good chance. My mom said if I don't have a job by summer shes going to make me take summer school so I'm not just sitting around. I don't even need to take it. Thats so dumb!
Other than that things have been good! I have a new boyfriend..well kind of new, we will have been dating for a month on the 23rd. His names Elias, and he goes to Shores. It's pretty exciting! He's really nice and fun to be around, and very hot! lol. It's kind of hard to see him cause I can't have the car after school. But I'm lucky enough to have Kayla, who helps out a ton!
Anyway, theres only like 2 more weeks of school left and I'm soo excited! Summer is going to be so much fun this year! Or I hope it will be! But it's going to be Kayla and me alllll summer, and we always have a ton on it should be eventful and exciting! <3