Nov 27, 2008 13:33
Okay so thanksgiving has never been a good day for me. In fact some of my most traumaticand annoying events happen on that day--- every single year.
The first thanksgiving that I remember was when we had just moved into my house and my mom called the cops because my dad was talking in private with my brother. That was fun....
Everyone might remember last year when me and my mom had to go to the hospital because she thought she was having a heart attack. Again fun...
But this year I think I win-- Most disturbing Thanksgiving ever. In fact I challenge the rest of you to come up with a more messed up one.
It is too long and hard to put these in paragraphs at the moment so here are some bullets
*Went to visit mom in the mental hospital
*Learn that she has an enlarged heart and might not be able to have the ECT
*Ate dinner with a bunch of people I did not know, one of who looked like a lost 18 year old- he even had braces. Towards the end of the meal everyone at the table had cried at least once.
*Was told by an asshole that he knows my kind and I suck every bit of life from my mother. This went on for about ten mins before a girl told him to just shut the hell up. He responded by saying "You're bitchier than a badger on the rag."
*It was around this time that I took a chill pill.
* But the crowning event was this....
As I was walking out of the hospital I hear someone yell, "Dante don't do it" I turned around only to be pushed aside by a man trying to escape the hospital. Dressed in scrubs, meaning he is one of the more sensitive persons at the hospital. Anyway he pushes past me and takes off. I inadvertently helped him to escape.
So Internet-- top it.