Sep 25, 2005 22:34
I was all set to type an entry complaining about how I don't know if I can get a sub for the Thursday I have to take off to fly to Tampa and see NIN next month. And then I was like, hello Jackie, these are your problems??? So I won't complain about that, instead I'll say three positive things, because that's what I make people do when I feel like they've been too negative with no good reason. And even sometimes when they have good reason to be upset, because naming three positive things does you all sorts of good under any circumstances.
1) A dance parent emailed my boss a huge compliment about me this week. She said that I was doing great with my huge ballet and tap classes that her daughters are in, and that I have a real knack for classroom control. My boss forwarded me the email and it made my day.
2) My softball team kicked ass this morning! 14-4! Take that Team Awesome!
3) My body is holding up pretty well under all the dance abuse, and for the most part, I'm having a good time. Really, I still can't quite believe that this is my life.