"We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." -Queen Victoria

Apr 24, 2005 05:50

(Ed and I were discussing last night how we have been LJ slackers lately, and it's the truth, and I'm sorry. )

I have such a smart body!   I just woke up from a sexy dream and had a whole dirty fantasy about me being a naked dancer in a club. Then I got in trouble because I was practicing a move and whacked Jason in the face accidentally.  That was funny, but not the smart body part. The smart body part is that I realized that I was waking up at 5:15, which is all of a sudden my internal alarm clock a day early, and perfect for getting myself back on track for school!  So now I'm going to try to stay awake for awhile to reinforce it, although I think I'll have to nap later.

Ed came to my SRO show last night, because that's what friends do.  I did alright, it's tough to tell because there are these two superfast dance sequences that last less than a minute each and I hang around Dracut High School all night basically psyching myself up for those two numbers.  Everything else we do is just being onstage in costume and standing in different formations and reacting to the singers.  Not that our choreographer is any less likely to come backstage being critical of that stuff ("I'm getting all the same gestures from the people on stage right!") than she is for the real dances.  Today is the last show and I have to remember to get a picture of me and Beckalee in our wigs.

Tip:  Apply tanning lotion evenly, or else you will tan blotchy.  I have a badass tan and one stripe on my right leg that was left out of the action.  How do I tan one side of one leg now?

I had a decent April vacation.  I decided that while I have the time, money, and peace of mind, I should spoil myself.  So I went tanning a lot, got my nails done, got a massage, got a haircut, went shopping, things like that.  It might not seem like anything to say that I enjoyed myself, you might think, duh, who wouldn't...but there was a time when the thought of going to get my nails done alone sounded like the saddest most depressing thing on the planet, and needed to be either a social occasion like we're all getting our nails done for a bachelorette party or else I'm doing a research paper on the effect of nail polish fumes on nail technicians or filiming a documentary about the plight of Vietnamese women in America or whatever.  But I enjoyed myself .  Next year I want a lifestyle that is more accomodating to this sort of behavior, and not just for a week in April.  Now the challenge is to make the choices that will lead me to that reality.   That's the hard part, because it does take a certain balance of time and money and peace of mind.  All three are important for me to get my nails done.  It should be easier, but it just plain isn't.

Lovers lovers!
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