Feb 11, 2005 08:58
Hmm lets see yesterday was early release day and it was pretty fun !! i came home and hung out with mausen and jared and lauren and then i went outside my house to play teatherball. Jersak came and then we started playing a game [ he kicked my butt !! gRr ], then mark and him played and i think ryan won but im not sure hmm. We started playing with chalk lol it was fun .. and then i went inside for dinner .. i called lauren and we hung out for liike two seconds and then i went to my brothers basket ball game. Lol it was fun these two annoying gurls kept on voting for the other team so i started cheering harder than they did just to get them mad lol [ i didnt liike them neways .. there were like retarted ].. lets see today im prolly jus gonna hang with a few pplz and then ill prolly go to the fair for midnight madness lol fun fun well thats about it .. im gonna go XOxO me*