A chooo

Oct 06, 2008 15:25

I'm sick. Thursday I got that feeling in my throat, and it's been progressing ever since. My life has been a blur of used tissues, mint tea, and layers and layers of pjs. On the bright side, Andrew came over on Saturday night to take care of me, so I didn't really have to leave my bed.:)

I'm coming home this weekend for fall break for ten days. It's going to feel so weird. Every time I think about it I almost don't want to deal with it. Don't get me wrong, I miss home somewhat... but it's ten days. It will be nice to be with my family, but I'm just worried that things will be stressful like they were over the summer. And my dad will make me feel like crap about my major and my feminism and blah blah. And most of my friends are only coming in for the weekend. Okay, being positive: I will be able to drive my bug! And I can't wait to go running at Francis Slocum... Hopefully I'll get better in time to feel like running. I will also have plenty of schoolwork to keep me busy if I have no one to hang out with: 4-6 pg paper, read a book for postcolonial lit, French homework... AND I WILL WRITE. My god it's been so long.

After being in the same relationship for four years, I'm still jealous. Is that a permanent thing?

My fingers get smaller when it's cold. My rings are loose. Soon the dry skin patches will conquer my knuckles. I'm going to have to bring warm things back to school with me. Like gloves. And a coat. I can't wait for Christmas! Ha, strange thought process there.

I do not understand Nigerian literature so far. We had to read two plays by Soyinka that just made no sense to me whatsoever. Right now I'm avoiding studying for math. Exam on Wednesday worth 25% of my grade. Gahhhh.

Time to stop procrastinating. Damn.
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