(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 11:54

Well...I'm officially tired of school. I really am sick of it. I can't wait until Thanksgiving Break haha. I'm going up to Massachusetts and it's going to be awesome! I can't wait! It's gonna be so much fun. Tyler and I are doing good...so I'm happy! We talk everyday and it's really nice. Am I crazy for loving him? Pauline thinks that I am. She doesn't think that it's going to work out with us. She has absolutely no faith in us. Oh well...I think that we can do anything that we put our minds to and I think that we will make this work. I know that I really want it...so I'll do just about anything to make it work and I think that Tyler will too. Pauline is just so skeptical of it...oh well. She's entitled to her own opinion. Well, g2g...I have to head back to work. TTYL

Love Always,


I love you!
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