mildly humorous..

Dec 10, 2005 14:21

this quote comes from my interpersonal speech communication textbook, a class i have renamed "Common Sense 1101" The funny part about the quote is that it reminded me of the problems existing in past relationships of mine. I think the goal was to pick one or two that you fought about, certainly not all. ha.

"Consider your own conflict behavior by determining which, if any (ha), of these issues you argue about. (They're arranged by order, with 1 being the most often mentioned.)
1. Intimacy Issues such as affection and sex
2. Power issues such as excessive demands or possessiveness, lack of equality in the relationship, friends, and leisure time.
3. Personal flaws such as drinking or smoking, grooming, and driving style.
4. Personal distance issues such as frequently being absent and school or job commitments
5. Social issues such as politics, parents, and personal values
6. Distrust issues such as romantic affairs and lying"

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