Oct 03, 2004 23:21
Friday:: I went to the fair with my mom & cousins got on like 3 rides with my cousins & their friends then i went to work at like 2 & just hung out & got this monstrous plate of cheddar brocoli florets from sanchez, then i clocked on & did my duties & then angie came in & it was funny cause ken let me go early so i was like SWEET AS SUGARRRR & did the pie cause so angie wouldnt have to & bill was like freaking out he was like "wait .. why are you leaving sooo early?!" & i told him because of angie & yea so i finished that & i went home & passed out :)
Saturday:: well on friday charles had asked me if i would work saturdays 9 to 12 now & i was like sure i have no problem with that except im going to the dance saturday & he was like well it'll be fine so i got up early & went in & i only worked for like an hour & 40 minutes & then i came home & showered again & then my mom did my hair & we went to bobs for dinner & while we were there my love came in & she looked pale as a ghost because her & her mom had just gotten into an accident so i comforted her some as well as everyone else & then we went to walmart in our homecoming clothes lol & then to the dance & that was fun i slow danced with zach, daniel, maria, amanda, & christina some lol it was great me & amanda got our dance on very viciously! then i went home & passed out becasue i was supposed to go to my love ricky's afterparty but the moms wouldnt let me but i was too tired to drive anyways so it's all good
sunday a.k.a. today:: i woke up showered & what not then lisa & i went to the mall & got our shop on clearance all the way i got a homecoming dress for our homecoming cause i didnt want to wear the same one & it's very amy lee ish i'll take a pic later tomorrow i'll post all pics but yea then i went to work early & hung out & then i hung out after work & chris got me with some white powder stuff then me bill & justin were listening to ring tones & yep that's it
i guess i will talk to you tomorrow it's bed time! night night!