
Dec 20, 2009 19:15

What’s meant to be will always find its way. That’s how I like to think of my gift from above. Writing is more to me than just a hobby to past the time. I write because of passion. The passion in my heart and soul need to come out, so writing is the only way that I can do this. Passion is what makes a writer. If you do not have passion for what you are doing, well, you won't be able to write. I write because I want someone to feel something. I write from my experiences, hoping that someone will learn, or feel sad, or happy.

-Learn -Overcome -Venture -Experience

Don’t get me wrong. There are times when writing really frustrates me, and times where I think I’m absolutely no good at what I’m creating. But then I realize that I only write for myself and God, not for anyone else, although my ultimate goal in life is to inspire people though the words that God breathes though me. But all of that is just a bonus. Just posting my work up for the world to see and seeing good reviews flowing in from the readers is all that confidence that I’ll ever need. All my life I’ve spent thinking that I’m not good enough but the one thing I can proudly say is that I can write. I’m not the best, I know I have a long way to go but someday…just maybe my dream can come true.

Writing gives me peace, a sort of escape from life. It feels like I’m in another world where my own ideas and rules come to life on paper. And what better world is that? I’m not even sure what it was that gave me the idea to become a writer. When I was younger, I liked to read a lot and one day I guess I just decided, "Hey, I’m going to write my own story!" As I grew up and began to learn, venture, and explore more things, my writings have become sort of on a deeper level. Hopefully I’ll overcome something in the future and be able to help people like me get through life.

Pen and paper have inevitably started to become like friends to me. Paper is never impatient and it doesn’t judge me either while pen puts all my thoughts unto paper so I feel free. It’s an amazing thing, to be able to call something your own, you know? I can envision myself looking at a book in the window of Books-A-Million with my name printed over the top. That would be the greatest day of my life.   


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