Title: Hopelessly Romantic Ficlets: "Soris"
Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
Genre: Fluff, reader insert
Starring: Soris (from City Elf origin), you
Pairing: Soris/you
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age: Origins or you. I promise, I don't want you in that way.
Summary: Your sister was getting married, and despite yourself you begin to feel anxious over your own marital state.
You sat on the roof of the old house, your knees pulled up to your chest and your chin resting on top of them. Your hands held each other around her legs. Your eyes were intent on the spectacle below you.
Your sister, Marcia, was getting married today. Your father had chosen a handsome man who had, of course, very readily accepted. Your sister was quite the beauty with her long red hair and turquoise eyes. She was tall and thin; not at all plain looking like you were.
You sighed, watching as they exchanged rings. Once the ceremony was over, you buried your face in your knees. You needed to go down to congratulate her before she moved in with her Prince Charming. But you couldn’t make yourself move.
The sound of someone climbing onto the roof and walking towards you made you look up in curiosity. When you opened your eyes, all you saw were legs. You looked up into the face of Soris, one of your best friends.
“Have you been up here the whole time?” Soris asked. He sat down next to you, so close you could feel the warmth through his sleeves.
You nodded. “One more achievement Marcia has that I don’t,” you said bitterly, glaring down at the now empty stage.
“I’m sure your father will find someone for you soon,” Soris encouraged, laying a comforting hand on your knee.
You turned to look at him, your brow knit together with worry. “I don’t want him to.”
Soris looked surprised. “But…”
She shook her head. “If he does choose someone for me, I already know who I want it to be.”
“Who is that?” Soris asked, his voice a whisper. He had a feeling that he knew, but he feared speaking the answer would curse everything.
“Who do you think, silly?” you said, a worried little smile on your face. “Of course it would be you.”
Soris blushed but a grin spread across his face. You leaned up and kissed him on the cheek as his arm went around your shoulders. You settled against him, feeling like Soris was the puzzle piece you had been looking for.
It was unlikely that your father would choose Soris as your husband. Until then, you could enjoy this warmth and bliss.