Hey y'all

Apr 16, 2008 11:50

its been a while again...

or so it seems?  how is everyone? My trip to NY is getting closer and closer and the closer it gets the more excited I get. I am eager to see people,family, and just relax. NO work, dont think about bills, money, nothing. just relax. No worries. I wanna go to gay kareokie one night, Jen hasnt been there before and I think it be fun, also show my roomie mattie that NY drag queens are HOT and they actually LOOK like girls not mangled men HA. I am excited to just breath in the warm weather and just let time sit still for a couple days,I just cant wait. less then a month now people.

hey dina? you gonna be in rochester the week of MAY8-MAY15th?
if so comment here and let me know. PS. thanks for adding me lady!

anywho , Things at home are really great. we have so much new stuff and I am just enjoying filling our home up and having stuff. I am hopoing jen and I will soon have an actual bed and then everything will be set. we will have a normal furnished apartment and NO MORE CARDBOARD boxes.

ha , when we moved to NC we had nothing, and when I say nothing i am not throwing a pitty party, i mean it, nothing. we had one bad of clothing. and a pillow and everyone had ONE blanker and ONE towel. now we have so much things. I am so lucky. we decided NOT to get a car. which I think is a wise choice. it will save us a ton of money in the long haul and right now thats something we really need to think about. stability is a great thing and i am so greatful for it. before when i was dancing i didnt know if i was gonna make enough for rent some months or if i was gonna be rich that month. ha, i was a lazy dancer and shy, they dont mix well.

Jen and me and the kids have been veg since Christmas day and going strong. at first I was upset they went veg, cuz i felt like they should do it cuz they want to , not cuz of me, but joey, hes 4, he really thinks its wrong to eat meat, and I think thats great. he realized it and sometimes when i get a weakness and want fish or somehting he says NOOOOOOOOOOOO its wrong, ha. its cute. Jen is the same. joyce i think if she ever moved out would eat meat, which is her right and I dont blame her for it, i wouldnt wanna force my belifs on anyone.thats prob why i felt wrong that they went veg in the beginging , but now , they really dont mind. its a beautiful thing, having the support of your family.

latley I have been a youtube feen. if you get time check out my page, im under chellhrtsnapo

I have been reading all your pages and hope all is well.

if agnux or whatever ur name is reads this, i hope your feelin better bout your kitty and just know you did the right thing. it was so very ovious how much you loved that cutie and dont be sad, remember the wonderful times you has w that orange cutie hehehehe. and when you get anouther kitty someday you best post 938939893 pics too.

some people think its lame to post a ton of pics of animals but i really enjoy it. 
i think when i am 45 i will still have a myspace. a lj and a youtube HA.

its such a great way to vent. hard to belive i have had this thing since i was like 15 ha.

anywho ta ta
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