Jan 19, 2005 16:59
Ever have one of those days when you just love school? When something about the experience strikes you in a semi-profound way? I had one of those today; I love those days - they remind me why I wanted to be here at all, and why I've worked so hard to get out of here having done something successful and of which I can be proud. I had a fantastic class today. The prof was animated and passionate in his lecture, reminding me why academia can actually be exciting, because it can actually be intellectually stimulating sometimes (also reminding me how much intellectual stimulation really does excite me. I'm a woman who requires challenge, who appreciates intelligence and creativity, who feels alive and productive when her brain is engaged). Walking out of the Playhouse (What is this D.Howes business anyway??? For all those 2001'ers, it will always be the Playhouse) this afternoon, I watched everyone bustling through the snow towards Thistle, or Village, or the Tower, or the bus, and it was just one of those moments. One of those "I love school. I love Brock. I love being at university. I love being a part of this." I really do love being a part of this, and I love feeling involved, feeling like I'm really taking something from this experience.
I was talking with Mobe tonight about how I've never questioned, from the first moment I stepped foot on this campus, that this was where I belonged. I still feel like that. I don't think university would have been the same for me anywhere but here. She thinks so too. I remember that September day in OAC when the Brock liaison came to BR and Mobe and I both came out of that session and said "That's where I want to go." I am so proud and happy to say that I have never regretted that decision. Brock has been great for me. University has been great for me. Being on my own has been great for me. Hard to believe that the whole thing is beginning to draw to a close already. Even though I won't graduate until December, I feel it slipping out from under me. I have to cling to everything it offers me for the next 3 months, while it is still at my fingertips. While everyone is still at my fingertips, before everyone leaves and everything changes.
Ahhh post-secondary education... what a trip you've been.
And with that, I close.