Aug 31, 2004 21:43
Milton went exceptionally well. Flowers + cookies + self-deprecating comments = I'm pretty sure Mom is more in love than I. Dad was rather pleasant and I think they got along just fine. It cheered me up to see him as I thought it would and have him rant about the cost of the bathroom renovation. If there's one thing I can count on in life, it's that my dad will recount in exquisite detail all he can about how much he paid for things and what an outrage it is. Ahh the frugal nature of a Scot. Wait, I'm one of those too...
Paper Boy was great and wonderful and lovely as always. Dealt with the strangeness of my family very well. Kept me company and made the home trip much less boring. And let me fall asleep on his shoulder watching a movie. I really needed that.
Today was difficult. I had a long and stressful day at work. Things were said that got under my skin and stayed there for the duration of the day. And I was making everyone uncomfortable with my bad mood. I know I'm unpleasant when I'm cranky, but in my entire life, I've never been able to find my way out of a bad mood once I'm in it. So I was quiet and irritated all day and tried to avoid everyone for their own benefit. I know that it's my responsibility to take care of this problem and address it with the people whom it concerns, but I hate confrontation. It's counter to my childhood shyness to initiate uncomfortable conversation - and I know this one is going to be unpleasant. But in the same breath, I know it's necessary if I'm going to make it through this job and this year without suffering a severe emotional meltdown. I'm going to take a day or two to collect my thoughts and put together the words to say what needs saying.. so by the end of the week, if all goes well and my nerves don't fail me, I will have had the dreaded talk.
Got home, and, pathetic as this is, had myself a good cry out of sheer frustration. Then my Mobe came to check on me. Ahhh how great it is to live with someone again. I forgot how much I need a sounding board. I spilled it all to her, and felt immediately better upon the purge. If I knew what it was exactly that is so great about her, I would describe it, but she is beyond words. I told her how glad I was that she was home and thanked her for listening to my rant because I don't think there's anyone else in the world I could have ranted that to. And then she had her rant with me. I listened, though didn't offer as constructive advice as she did.. and then we hugged and had Kraft Dinner and all felt better with the world. I love that girl. She's so important and so special in my life - we just have a way about us. I think we're a safe place for each other - somewhere we can put all our thoughts and feelings and not worry that it's going anywhere else or that it's going to be misunderstood or judged. I think I'm phenomenally lucky to have that kind of friend. I don't know how I would handle my life without her to balance it for me, she evens me out when I get a little extreme. It's so good to have her home again. YAY for Mobe and her awesome-ness. Not that that's a word, but hey, language is mine to manipulate.
And with that, I close.